Version 2 Local Installation

Version 2 Local Installation

OpenLMIS is a web application intended to be installed within a Servlet container like Apache Tomcat and run alongside a PostgreSQL database. It can run on a variety of platforms, including macOS, Linux, and Windows. The openlmis-vagrant repository offers a convenient, albeit unofficial, means of installing OpenLMIS and these dependencies via VirtualBox. For those who prefer to install the system directly onto their host operating system, however, the following directions aim to describe how.

The version of OpenLMIS configured via these instructions is fully featured, though intended exclusively for demo and evaluation. As reflected by the instructions, it therefore makes use of default usernames and insecure passwords.    

Developers who wish to configure a local development rather than demo environment may find instructions for doing so on OpenLMIS' github page.

Please note that these instructions are currently undergoing refinement.

Windows 10 Instructions

Database Configuration

1. Depending on your operating system, download and launch either a 32-bit or 64-bit version of PostgreSQL.

2. When allowed to choose additional tools and utilities, select the option to install JDBC drivers.

3. Throughout the installation process, enter p@ssw0rd whenever prompted to choose a password.

4. After the installation is complete, launch pgAdmin. This is a graphical database client that allows users to connect to both local and remote PostgreSQL servers. It should have been installed along with PostgreSQL on your local machine.

5. From within pgAdmin, create a database called open_lmis and assign ownership of it to the postgres user.

            ToDo: Elaborate on this step, and add a screenshot.

6. Download demo-database.custom

7. From within pgAdmin, right-click on the open_lmis database created as part of step 5, select “Restore,” and choose the following options:

             Format: “Custom or Tar”

             Filename: <Full path to the demo-database.custom file downloaded in step 6.

Finally, click “Restore.” This will load the data within demo-database.custom into the open_lmis database.

Tomcat and Environmental Configuration

8. Depending on your operating system, download and install either a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Tomcat.

9. Download ROOT.war and copy it to your TOMCAT_HOME\webapps directory. By default, this is C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps

10. Add the following as a Windows environment variable:           

            Name: defaultLocale

           Value: en

11. Tomcat7w is a GUI application for monitoring and configuring the  Tomcat Windows Service. Open it by clicking Start, searching for “Monitor Tomcat,” and running the resultant entry.

12. Within Tomcat7w, add the following configuration:


            ToDo: Verify and elaborate on this step

13. From within Tomcat7w, restart the Tomcat service.

            ToDo: Elaborate on this step


14. Wait several moments for Tomcat to start, and then browse to http://localhost in order to test you installation. Login credentials may be found here.

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