OpenLMIS Re-Architecture Design Week

OpenLMIS Re-Architecture Design Week

From March 28 through April 1, VillageReach through the OpenLMIS initiative hosted a re-architecture design week in Seattle. The purpose of the workshop was to understand the current pain points in the existing OpenLMIS code base; document the existing domain model and bounded contexts; review and understand the pros and cons of various architectural approaches; select candidate architecture and document the architectural principles.

Attended by representatives from OpenLMIS community partners the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and PATH, and facilitated by VillageReach and ThoughtWorks, the workshop was a collaborative effort on behalf of the community to provide feedback on the re-architecture process, and guide the development of the next phase of the OpenLMIS initiative. 

The agenda for the week is below, and a full re-cap of notes from each working session is available on the March 2016 Re-Architecture Design Workshop wiki page. 


The full OpenLMIS v3 Architecture Overview is also available on a wiki page, and details much of the specific architecture considerations that were developed during the design workshop. Post-workshop, the development team from ThoughtWorks and VillageReach continued to flesh out ideas that were introduced during the workshop, much of which can be found in rough visualizations on the Domain Modeling Technical Deep Dive wiki page. 
For further information regarding the design week, or any additional questions or feedback around the OpenLMIS initiative, please contact info@openlmis.org, or write to the OpenLMIS Community Manager, Tenly Snow, at tenly.snow@villagereach.org. 

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