Goal: Finish work towards feature goals for 3.3 (vaccine stock based requisition, Receiving/POD, Local Fulfillment, etc.), make progress on Administration screens and critical needs for implementers.
Dates: -
2 sprints left (1 sprint is for testing) until 3.3 release on
- Q: - OLMIS-4078Getting issue details... STATUS (MUST)
- - OLMIS-4195Getting issue details... STATUS (MUST)
- Q: - OLMIS-3853Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-2734Getting issue details... STATUS (Nice to have)
Receiving and Proof of Delivery
Sebastian Brudziński and Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) could you groom these tickets and start to get them ready for the next sprint?
- - OLMIS-3994Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-892Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-3991Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-4137Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-4168Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-4001Getting issue details... STATUS
Vaccine Stock Based Requisition
Ideal Product Model
- - OLMIS-4118Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-3907Getting issue details... STATUS (Needs acceptance criteria from Josh Zamor)
Sync Stock and Requisition
Finalize CCE
- - OLMIS-2895Getting issue details... STATUS (MUST)
- - OLMIS-3174Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-3191Getting issue details... STATUS
Administration Screens
Sam Im (Deactivated) to prioritize which tickets should be picked up in this sprint.
- - OLMIS-4027Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-3325Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-3599Getting issue details... STATUS
Bug Backlog
Bugs are sorted by priority and any critical bugs should be considered as MUST for Sprint 48.
Team ILL
- - OLMIS-4125Getting issue details... STATUS (blocked by OLMIS-4078)
- - OLMIS-4129Getting issue details... STATUS
OLMIS-4197Getting issue details...
- Need to decide about demo data (Team ILL)
- work around testing the integration
- demo data
- dockerizing
Release Notes
- add ticket to begin the outline for the release notes
Implementer toolkit
- folks to create and assign themselves tasks
- Sam Im (Deactivated) to add ticket for the implementer guide
Notice B proposal
- - OLMIS-4177Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-4085Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-4084Getting issue details... STATUS
- Notes, please add tickets if needed.
- Are there any due dates?? Needs?
- Webinar/onboarding doc - let's make sure to record it so we can reuse it.
- Outreachy - May 22 is when assignments are due.
- GSoC - Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to let the group know when those are due