Google Summer of Code & RAILS GIRLS 2017
Google Summer of Code
RAILS GIRLS Summer of Code
Submission Response Development
Project name
Mentor github handle
Project's website
Mentor name
Mentor email
Tasks & Features (Brandon to boil down brainstorm ideas)
Tags (Brandon to collate brainstorm ideas)
Code of Conduct (discuss in brainstorm)
Initial Brainstorm Notes
Brandon Bowersox-Johnson & Tenly Snow (Deactivated)
Things that are attractive
reports and visualizations
UI - making it more responsive so it works on a cell phone
Things that aren’t major aspects of core functionality
“Wish list” - things we want to add but don’t necessarily have the bandwidth for
Provide w/a few options
Punchy description of OpenLMIS
Why it matters
Make a difference
Health, global development, maternal child health
Work that matters, used in various countries, being scaled
X number of facilities, last mile
RAILS GIRLS Project Submission
Submitted on 1/31/17
Google Summer of Code Submission
Submission Deadlines Calendar
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software