Vaccine MVP

Vaccine MVP

Target release3.3
Document status


Document owner
Technical LeadJosh Zamor

Table of Contents


  • Functionality to support the management of the vaccine (EPI) program within OpenLMIS
  • Due to the complex nature of vaccine programs, we have a unique set of User Personas for the vaccine user stories


Initial analysis of the following systems to understand the current systems in place supporting the management of vaccines.

  • SELV (Mozambique)
  • VIMS (Tanzania)
  • SIIGL (Benin)
  • VLMIS (Pakistan)
  • HCMIS (Ethiopia)
  • SMT 


  • Features were prioritized due to constraints in funding. Features which did not make the initial Minimal Viable Product are not considered unimportant but will be scheduled and prioritized when more funding or resources are identified.
  • Target a November 2017 March 2018 release
  • Initial stock management features have already been completed
  • Centralized lot management is completed

Domains and Key Functionality

The following pages describe the scope within each of the key domains.

The following table displays the estimated release dates for the various key user activities which are assigned to a domain.




Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

  • Calculation of reorder/allocation amounts for routine resupply

      • MOS, CCE capacity, buffer, average consumption, FEFO

      • Bundling of orders (diluents and vaccines)

An openlmis user fulfilling an order will be able to see the CCE functionality (if captured in OpenLMIS), Ideal Stocking Amounts and more information to make decisions on fulfillment.

Bundling will not be addressed by 3.3

In progress
  • Program data capture
    • During requisitioning? Allocation? Delivery?


Closed/open vial discarded/wastage. Should open vial wastage be included in the initial set of features?

For 3.3 we will only be addressing closed vial wastage.Closed

Requisition updates/changes to meet vaccine needs. We need to evaluate what changes need to happen to the requisition service to support vaccines. This was not discussed at the vaccine workshop.

Vaccine Stock Based RequisitionsIn Progress

Lot management system requirements (do we require a lot selection? How? Do we allow for decentralized additions of new lots?)

For 3.3 lot management will be managed centrally.Closed

Location of stock. Do we spend resources to build out GLN concept and increase the complexity of the facility concept

For 3.3, we will not be implementing GLNsClosed

End to end mapping/view of the workflows and data.


Kits were not prioritized by stakeholders. How important is it to have support for kits when implementers are assessing electronic LMIS?

For 3.3, we will not be implementing the concept of kits.Closed

Out of Scope

  • Offline mobile data collection
  • Transportation management

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