2020 September 22 Tech Committee Meeting notes



7am PST / 4pm CEST



Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item review

Stock management extension point issue https://forum.openlmis.org/t/extension-point-configuration/5683Adrian Świszcz (Deactivated)
  • see forum thread
  • see https://openlmis.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/OLMIS/issues/OLMIS-6911
  • has upgraded Spring Boot from 1.3.3 to 2.2.2 in openlmis-example repo - to see effect on bean extension.  The extension worked in the example repo and so there is not certainty on why it doesn't work in Stock Management.
  • Examined if the classes make it into the output jar, and they are - both in stock mgmt and example repo.  Doesn't appear to be a build issue, but it doesn't appear to be.  Appears to be runtime.

Security VulnerabilitiesChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
  • JS Libraries
  • Outdated
  • August Angular 1.8 is now EOL 2021
    • this is bad
    • We haven't made any in-roads on upgrading / switching this out (e.g. angular2react)
  • 2 parts:
    • various repos with JS there are security vulnerabilities
      • some of these we think are reported as critical, however we likely haven't analyzed them for our priority
      • Do we have a plan for how to address the security vulnerabilities?
        • idea: we could create issues for them and enter them into the tech-debt backlog (Jira sprint), we'd still need a grooming process for it.
      • examples:  https://github.com/OpenLMIS/dev-ui, https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-ui-layout
    • JS build tools appear to be quite out of date - appear to be blocked by RAMLTester
      • would we re-write our integration tests and/or move away from RAML
  • The overall picture is around our plan for tech-debt:
    • With less capacity we no longer have the 20% for tech debt clean-up.
    • Could plan it at the beginning of every release is to schedule in a clean-up of a specific aspect



Action Items

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software