2015-10-27 Meeting notes

2015-10-27 Meeting notes



Discussion items

 Sonar configAll
  • Jeff and Elias reviewed initial Sonar config and its output
  • Elias believes some of the items found in Jeff's run may be resolved or the work is underway
  • Team encouraged by the Sonar results, showing legitimate problems or trouble spots with code the team is familiar with
  • Note: Gradle announced earlier this year that the sonar runner will no longer be maintained
  • Some tests are marked as highly complex. Team wonders if, going forward, we might write tests in a smarter way. Tests from initial OpenLMIS coding were highly pedantic
  • Unchecked exceptions: all agree it is a huge problem with the original code. new code should follow a better pattern
  • From last meeting, a blank JIRA project was created. The intent is for it to be an general repository for defects and short term work.
  • For targeted work (like 2.0 or architecture), we could use separate JIRA Projects. For the short term and for simplification, the use of tags or epics within the single project might work best.
  • Rich will ensure Elias has access
  • Very brief review of Re-Architecture Objectives. Team generally agreed the format is fine, but prioritization is needed. Rich will mention this back to the Product committee.

Action items

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software