2015-12-30 Meeting Notes

2015-12-30 Meeting Notes


  • Chongsun Ahn
  • Elias Muluneh
  • Rich Magnuson
  • Jie Xiong


Updates from each Organization

  • ThoughtWorks:  Continue monitoring MOZ deployment.  Tablet syncing can be a challenge - Jeff mused a general syncing mechanism would be a good standalone open source project, and asked the group if anyone knew of something that could be leveraged.  Added monitoring to Android app for better analysis.
  • JSI:  Slower week due to holidays
  • VIllageReach:  Continue prepping SELV minor update; focus on 2.0 release tag work.  Chongsun has added a gradle task to generate migration script files with timestamp naming convention.  Also, gradle scripts and readme were updated to standardize on Postgres 9.2.  Looking into flyway upgrade, which helps write cleaner scripts and opens the possibility of out-of-order migrations.

Other Items

  1. DB Script consolidation.  Proposal and discussion to consolidate the hundreds of DB migration scripts.  This proposal could also include baselining the existing schema into a single file.  General support for this idea, but some concern on how it may impact the upgrade of existing deployments.  A migration may need to exist for each deployment.  Chongsun will write up the proposal and send it to the DL
  2. Deactivate GitHub Issues:  Proposal to move the 15 or so GitHub issues to JIRA and deactivate Issues for the open-lmis project.  This will prevent confusion and duplication.  Everyone agreed.  This work item is tracked in JIRA:   OLMIS-58 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  3. Elias asked for feedback on his recent forum posts, especially on the the use of annotations (see post here:  https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openlmis-dev/qeUeQdCbJ-4).  Everyone agreed this was a good practice.  Elias wondered how this could be promoted, and it was suggested it could be part of the forthcoming coding standard/style guide.  Elias will mention to Josh Zamor, who will put out a draft.
  4. Rich mentioned Craig Appl's vagrant deployment project.  Several have tried it and it works well.  Find the project at https://github.com/craigappl/openlmis_2.0_vagrant

Happy New Year!



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