Concurrency issues
Concurrency issues
The Malawi production instance has started seeing a bunch of issues that are related to concurrent requests (usually from the same user). The goal of this page is to keep track of the reported issues, pending discussions and possible fixes.
Possible causes of concurrent requests from the same user:
- operations taking a long time and therefore making the user refresh the page and send a new request
- offline mode breaking the loading modal and therefore allowing user to send a new request ( - OLMIS-3163Getting issue details... STATUS )
- possibly missing loading modal in some states (like - MALAWISUP-133Getting issue details... STATUS )
- is it somehow possible to double click on an action button before loading modal is displayed? (perhaps on slower computers?) Less technical users may be double-clicking on buttons and links
Other causes of concurrent requests:
- concurrent requests are to be expected - users may have access to the same resources and they can invoke actions on them in the same time
Current issues caused by concurrent reqeuests:
- duplicate comments / status messages - - MW-203Getting issue details... STATUS
- duplicate requisition initiate, displaying weird errors to the user (a workaround has been applied in Malawi) - - MW-586Getting issue details... STATUS
- duplicate adjustments reasons (difficult to reproduce, but happens once in a while) - - MALAWISUP-86Getting issue details... STATUS
- - MALAWISUP-181Getting issue details... STATUS originally caused by duplicate adjustment reasons ( - MALAWISUP-86Getting issue details... STATUS )
- most likely more...
Pending discussion:
, multiple selections available,
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