Review of Requisition Regression Testing
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What CCE manual tests cover:
Test Case | What it checks? | Should be tested manually? | Should be tested with Functional Test? | Additional notes | |
1 | OLMIS-2271: Printing requisitions | Whether requisition is printed with a right content after various changes of quantity fields during whole requisition workflow. | Yes (reports) | No | |
2 | OLMIS-4826: Stock based requisitions: Creating a requisition using available stock cards | Whether user whose home facility has no stock cards cannot see any products until the products are added in Physical Inventory. Checks adding products, adding comments, deleting requisition, submitting requisition with all the fields skipped. | Yes (reports) | No | This TC checks Stock Based Requisition reports |
3 | OLMIS-3383: Emergency requisition end-to-end test | Checks initiating emergency requisition, adding products, whether its fields are editable or not, whether correct error information is displayed. | No | Yes | |
4 | OLMIS-3031: Date physical stock count completed | Whether entering data for Date Physical Stock Count Completed is valid (can be only past or today's date) and visible for other users after saving it. | No | Yes | Merge with OLMIS-3084 |
5 | OLMIS-1900: Converting requisitions to orders | Whether it is possible to convert requisition to order without supplying depot selected, whether converting one requisition to order is possible, whether converting multiple requisitions to orders is possible. | No | Yes | Checks View Orders screen from Fulfillment service. In ACC add info about View Orders. |
6 | OLMIS-2230: Offline workflow | Whether creating requisition offline is possible and there is a proper information in the "offline" column, whether Print button is clickable/disabled. | No | Yes | |
7 | OLMIS-2843: Supervised facility selection | Whether adding/removing a supervision role to a user works. | No | Yes | Merge with OLMIS-2824 At first, supervised facility selection could be tested and then after changing roles back, test creating regular requisitions. |
8 | OLMIS-3411: Deleting skipped requisitions | Whether a user with correct permissions can skip an entire period's requisition, delete this requisition and initiate it again. | No | Yes | |
9 | OLMIS-3558: Resizing input boxes in the product grid and tabbing to other fields | Whether size of inputs can increase/decrease. | ?? | Could be replaced by automated test but do we need it? | |
10 | OLMIS-4045: Configuring a vaccine stock-based requisition | Whether changing configuration settings in Requisition Templates makes columns displayed/hidden. Checks UI info. | Yes | No | |
11 | OLMIS-4169: Emergency requisitions: Available products | Whether requisition line items are not populated and approved products are added to the list of available products. | No | No | It executes some steps in order to check one array in API response. CT |
12 | OLMIS-4226: Skipping products | Whether skipping is possible for a requisition with populated fields. | No | No | This TC is redundant as OLMIS-1866 checks the possibility of skipping products. |
13 | OLMIS-1866: The requisition workflow from initiation to the second approval | Whether workflow works correctly, skipping authorized line items is not possible. Checks pagination. | No (pagination will be tested in separate TC) | Yes | This TC can reuse other automated tests for initiating, submitting, authorizing (by second user), approving (by third and fourth user). |
14 | OLMIS-2040: Creating a PoD from an order | Whether a PoD is created after creating an order and it is possible to confirm a PoD. | No | No | It's more of Fulfillment actually. CT |
15 | OLMIS-2824: Creating requisitions | Checks initiating, submitting requisition by storeroom manager, his permissions; creating report-only requisitions; whether warehouse clerk can create a requisition. | Yes (email) | Yes | Merge with OLMIS-2993 |
16 | OLMIS-2870: Approving and rejecting a requisition | Yes (report) | Yes | Merge with OLMIS-2974 | |
17 | OLMIS-2899: Deleting requisitions | Whether it is possible to delete a previously submitted requisition. | No | Yes | |
18 | OLMIS-2974: Approving and rejecting requisitions with In_Approval status | Whether the requisition's status got changed after rejecting it. | No | Yes | Merge with OLMIS-2870. |
19 | OLMIS-3084: Edit Program: The Date physical stock count completed field | Whether enabling Date Physical Stock Count Completed makes users enter the valid date while submitting, authorizing, approving a requisition. | No | Yes | Merge with OLMIS-3031 |
20 | OLMIS-3089: Adding comments | Whether comments are visible after being added to a requisition. | No | Yes | |
21 | OLMIS-4183: Stock-based requisitions: Calc Order Qty ISA + Requested Quantity entered | Whether Order Qty ISA is equal to "Ideal Stock Amount" - "Stock on Hand" and "Approved quantity" is equal to "Requested Quantity" | No | Yes | Can reuse initiating, authorizing and approving a requisition. Merge with OLMIS-4185 |
22 | OLMIS-3561: Batch Approval and Revert | Whether it is possible to approve more than one requisition for the same program or to revert them. | No | No | Dead |
23 | OLMIS-2376: Calculations of Beginning balance and Stock on Hand | No | No | CT | |
24 | OLMIS-4135: Viewing and editing multiple requisition templates per program | No | Yes | ||
25 | OLMIS-4138: Stock on Hand from Stock Management in stock-based requisitions | Whether a vaccine stock-based requisition contains the correct stock on hand and the last physical inventory update was within the same processing period | No | Yes | |
26 | OLMIS-4185: Stock-based requisitions: Calc Order Qty ISA + empty Requested quantity column | Whether Order Qty ISA is equal to "Ideal Stock Amount" - "Stock on Hand" and "Approved quantity" is equal to "Calc Order Qty ISA" by default | No | Yes | Merge with OLMIS-4183 The difference between these two test cases is that we leave an empty field for Requested Quantity here. |
27 | OLMIS-4727: Stock based requisitions: Beginning balance from Stock on Hand | Whether value in Beginning Balance is equal to "Current Stock" | No | Yes | |
28 | OLMIS-4696: Requisition Templates: Adding a new requisition template for a program | No | Yes | ||
29 | OLMIS-3340: Calculations in the product grid | Whether calculations based on user input are correct. | No | Yes | |
30 | OLMIS-2550: The Non full supply product(s) tab | Whether it is possible to add products. It also checks sticky columns behaviour, whether they stick to the left and the table is resizeable. | No | Yes | Do we want to test columns' position and table's width? sticky columns?? |
31 | OLMIS-2313: Auto-saving | Checks whether small components like comments are auto-saved. | No | Yes (low priority) | ?? |
32 | OLMIS-2186: The requisition header row | Whether header is sticky to the top of the page. | No | Yes | merge with initiate requisition TC |
33 | OLMIS-4022: Snapshotting ISAs for products when initiating a requisition | Whether values in "Response" tab are the same as in the "IdealStockAmount" column. | No | No | This TC requires comparing values from columns with values in "response" tab. Dead or CT CT if ISA has correct data?? |
34 | OLMIS-3836: Skipping the authorization step | Whether turning on the "Skip authorization step" in program settings makes it skip the requisition's authorization. | No | Yes | The second part of this TC requires the same steps as traditional initiating, submitting, authorizing, approving and converting to order. |
35 | OLMIS-4184: Calc Order Qty ISA column | Whether selection of some options influences on displaying errors. Checks specific UI details. | Yes | No | |
36 | OLMIS-2826: Authorizing requisitions | Whether already submitted requisition with a comment is displayed properly to a user with authorization role. | No | No | Dead |
37 | OLMIS-2993: Displaying stock adjustment reasons | Whether the drop-down list with available stock adjustment reasons in View Requisition screen contains data in correct order. | No | Yes | It could be added to any test with initiating requisition. Merge with OLMIS-2824? |
38 | OLMIS-2294: Total consumed quantity and Stock on hand validations | Whether there are error messages displayed when fields requiring user input have wrong values (negative). | No | Yes | |
39 | OLMIS-4159: Read-only requisition scenarios | Whether requisitions with "Approved" and "Released" statues are not editable and appropriate fields are not visible for a user. | No | Yes | |
40 | OLMIS-3569: Constraints for status changes and adjustment reasons | Whether "response" tab returns correct data; whether it is possible to use previously-used adjustment reason. | No | Yes | Merge the part for checking adjustment reasons with OLMIS-3340. There is no previousStatusChangeId in a "response" any more. |
41 | OLMIS-4002: Final approval at a supervisory node with a supply line | No | No | Comparing UI data with reference-data readme file. CT - check if there is one | |
42 | OLMIS-2317: Date picker | Whether the date picker on the "View Requisitions" screen works correctly. | No | Yes | |
43 | OLMIS-4020: Configuring the template to show the ISA column | Also checks dragging and dropping columns in Template configuration. | Yes (dropping columns) | Yes | Separate TCs |
44 | OLMIS-4947: Creating a requisition based on /stockCardRageSummaries response | Checks network response | No | No | It compares UI data with response. CT |
45 | OLMIS-3554: Supported programs | Whether editing Facilities to make a program inactive works correctly. | No | Yes | Merge with another test for initiating requisition (OLMIS-2843) |
46 | OLMIS-3422: Hiding special reasons in Total Losses and Adjustments | Whether adding new reasons works according to their configuration. | No | Yes | |
47 | OLMIS-3483: The Requested quantity explanation field | Whether the "Requested quantity explanation" field is required on the full supply and isn't for the non full supply products for the whole requisition workflow. | No | Yes | Merge with submitting regular requisition (OLMIS-4573). |
48 | OLMIS-3481: Converting requisitions to orders and the back-end | Checks response's details | No | No | Dead |
49 | OLMIS-3469: Pagination | No | Yes | Merge with approve requisition view | |
50 | OLMIS-3353: Total stockout days over 30 | Whether it is possible to enter values bigger than 30 or 90 for months and 3-months periods. | No | No | |
51 | OLMIS-3344: Program in demo data matching Malawi columns | No | No | dead | |
52 | OLMIS-3330: Loading icon after approval | No | No | dead | |
53 | OLMIS-1951: Changing the order of the columns | Whether changing the order by dragging and dropping works for a given program. | Yes (manual dropping columns) | No | Should dragging and dropping in order to change the order be tested? |
Edge cases | |||||
54 | OLMIS-2743: Requisition offline caching | Whether caching requisition while offline works. Checks submitting requisition from another browser (another user) and updating requisition. | Yes | No | This test case needs two browsers. |
55 | OLMIS-2914: Product grid error messages | Whether all possible error messages are displayed as presumed. | Yes | No | This edge case is mainly about displaying information about errors on UI. |
56 | OLMIS-2766: Supervised facilities and supported programs | Whether facilities are not displayed in the select for a given program after being turned off in configuration. | No | Yes | |
57 | OLMIS-3307: Data integrity | Whether it is possible to reject and delete rejected Period 1 requisition, when there is Period 2 requisition submitted, unless it is Emergency requisition. | No | Yes | For Regression practice phase, test cycle for sprints |
58 | OLMIS-4311: Duplicate status changes | Whether submitting a requisition from two browsers will succeed for the first submit but will cause an error for the second submit. | Yes | No | This test case needs two browsers. |
59 | OLMIS-3550: Stock on hand below 0 and Stock Management screens | Whether it is possible to submit adjustments when stock on hand is below 0. | Yes | No | A lot of checking whether the Adjustments/Issue/Receive/Physical inventory/Stock on Hand pages work for the program for which adjustments had been submitted. Executed during test cycles. |
60 | OLMIS-3546: Sending data to Stock Management | Whether it is possible to approve three requisitions for the same program with adjusted Stock on Hand. | No | No | Never executed. |
61 | OLMIS-3058: Adjustment reasons to come from Stock Service (Requisition R scenario) | Whether a name of a reason in already initiated requisition is not changed after changing a name of reason by administrator (it's taken from snapshot). | No | No | Can be merged with OLMIS-3055 CT |
62 | OLMIS-3055: Adjustment reasons to come from Stock Service (Requisition Q scenario) | Whether a new reason is not visible for a previously initiated requisition during its whole workflow. | No | No | Can be merged with OLMIS-3058 CT |
63 | OLMIS-4451: Total requisition cost calculated for emergency requisitions at each status | Whether the total cost is updated in an emergency requisition at each status. | No | Yes | |
64 | OLMIS-4377: Fetching initiated requisitions and API | Checks if it is possible to initiate requisition on the perftest server | No | No | Dead |
65 | OLMIS-4157: Same user should not be able to approve or edit requisition they submitted/authorized | Whether a user who initiated/submitted/authorized a requisition can edit/reject/approve this requisition. | No | Yes | |
66 | OLMIS-4215: Submitting stock-based requisitions without the Calc Order Qty ISA column | Whether it is possible to submit a requisition after changing requisition template to "enable stock on hand to populate from stock cards" and hiding the "Calc Order Qty ISA column". | No | Yes | |
67 | OLMIS-3429: Requisition initiation and back-end | Checks API | No | No | Isn't there a CT for this? |
68 | OLMIS-3103: Total cost updated when rejected requisition is re-submitted | When a requisition is rejected and the Storeroom Manager edits the requested amounts, the total cost should update as the amounts are edited. | No | Yes | TC for one sprint and regression practice phase. |
69 | OLMIS-3301: Error message when approving regular requisition before period is over | Whether it is possible to submit a regular requisition for the same period as currently. One should be able to submit an emergency requisition for the same situation. | No | Yes | TC for one sprint and regression practice phase. |
70 | OLMIS-3279: Batch saving with Skip disabled in Requisition Template | Whether it is still possible to continue with normal requisition workflow after disallowing skipping products. | No | No | Dead |
71 | OLMIS-3024: Convert to Order throws 500 server error when no Approved Quantity | Checks enabling/disabling "Approved quantity" column in Requisition Template configuration. | No | Yes | TC for one sprint and regression practice phase, regression phase. |
72 | OLMIS-2982: Editing a submitted requisition by unselecting Skip | Whether a user cannot select/unselect products after they have submitted the requisition. | Yes | No | |
73 | OLMIS-4167: Initiating stock-based requisitions: template selection | Whether initiating a requisition for the EPI program will show a correct requisition form (the stock-based one) and whether a stock event is sent when the requisition is. | No | No | It checks if stock event is absent in "network" response. Contract test because of checking network. |
74 | OLMIS-4166: Initiating requisition: Requisition template is not associated with the facility type | Whether initiating a requisition at another program where a template is not associated with the facility type of the requisition will return an error. | No | Yes |
Test cases that can be merged to limit its number:
Regular cases:
- OLMIS-3084: Edit Program: The Date physical stock count completed field + OLMIS-3031: Date physical stock count completed
- OLMIS-2870: Approving and rejecting a requisition + OLMIS-2974: Approving and rejecting requisitions with In_Approval status
- OLMIS-4185: Calc Order Qty ISA + empty Requested quantity column + OLMIS-4183: Calc Order Qty ISA + Requested Quantity entere
- OLMIS-2843: Supervised facility selection + OLMIS-3554: Supported programs
- OLMIS-2824: Creating requisitions + OLMIS-2993: Displaying stock adjustment reasons
- OLMIS-3469: Approve Requisition: Pagination + - OLMIS-4575Getting issue details... STATUS
- OLMIS-2186: The requisition header row + - OLMIS-4570Getting issue details... STATUS
- OLMIS-3055: Adjustment reasons to come from Stock Service (Requisition Q scenario) + OLMIS-3058: Adjustment reasons to come from Stock Service (Requisition R scenario) - CT
Test cases to cover with Contract Tests:
- OLMIS-2376: Calculations of Beginning balance and Stock on Hand - - OLMIS-5560Getting issue details... STATUS
- OLMIS-4022: Snapshotting ISAs for products when initiating a requisition - verifying, if ISA column has correct data - - OLMIS-5562Getting issue details... STATUS
- OLMIS-4169: Emergency requisitions: Available products - - OLMIS-5564Getting issue details... STATUS
- OLMIS-4002: Final approval at a supervisory node with a supply line - - OLMIS-5565Getting issue details... STATUS
- OLMIS-3429: Requisition initiation and back-end - - OLMIS-5566Getting issue details... STATUS
- OLMIS-4167: Initiating stock-based requisitions: template selection - - OLMIS-5567Getting issue details... STATUS
- OLMIS-3055: Adjustment reasons to come from Stock Service (Requisition Q scenario) + OLMIS-3058: Adjustment reasons to come from Stock Service (Requisition R scenario) - - OLMIS-5568Getting issue details... STATUS
- OLMIS-2040: Creating a PoD from an order (Fulfillment) - there is a ticket for this moved to Dead
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