Decision: Next steps on Nifi Registry and Jenkins Reporting Demo

Decision: Next steps on Nifi Registry and Jenkins Reporting Demo

Craig and Josh had a discussion on the next steps for the Nifi Registry and standing up a demonstration of the reporting stack. This page documents the process that will be developed.

Nifi Registry

We will stand up an independent AWS server that runs the Nifi Registry as a service. Due to the maturity of Nifi registry, we will stand up the current docker container and run it without TLS.

URL: http://nifi-registry.openlmis.org

AWS region: US East

End state:

  • Nifi Registry is available at http://nifi-registry.openlmis.org and buckets are able to be created by the community
  • Local developer environments are able to connect to the nifi registry, download and run templates

The Nifi Registry does not need to be stood-up with Nifi Registry. The recommendation is to use the current Ansible scripts created by Ona and make them available to the OpenLMIS community.

Reporting Stack

We will stand up a single independent AWS server that runs the entire OpenLMIS reporting stack. This must be added to the GitHub deployment repository. It is preferred to utilize terraform and ansible to stand up this system. Note that we will only stand up one implementation of the reporting stack due to the costs for running the server.


  • Please define a target AWS server size to better understand the costs associated with standing up this system.
  • We need to identify if it's appropriate to access each service through a particular port on a single URL or we should setup sub-domains. This decision should include the reduction of costs for SSL certs vs usability (i.e. nifi.openlmis.org vs openlmis.org/nifi vs openlmis.org:8080/nifi)

End state:

  • Deployment scripts are written and tested
  • Superset and Nifi are available online with login required
  • Nifi is able to interact with the following components:
    • uat.openlmis.org for data extraction
    • Kafka
    • Local postgres database
    • Superset
    • Nifi Registry

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software