Feature Variability Matrix

Feature Variability Matrix

To view the current version of the matrix, right-click and download file (because of the impressive number of columns in the spreadsheet, it doesn't display well in the browser). 

In order to understand where extensibility is needed for the OpenLMIS re-architecture, it is helpful to understand where variation has already occurred. The following page summarized key areas of variation in different implementations to date.  This table was written whilst the feature variability matrix was being prepared.  The matrix is more exhaustive, but the table below provides some deeper background on a few key areas.


FeatureImplementationReason Needed
Reports with Cascading Selection ListsTanzania, Zambia, Cote D'IvoreThe 0.9 release did not include any reports, and the basic Jasper open source reporting framework doesn't allow for cascading selection filters. Thus may custom reports have been added to meet the needs of specific implementations.
Offline Reports using Tableau ETLMozambique, BeninThe 0.9 release only support online report, whereas users in Mozambique need to access and analyze data offline. ETL functionality added, along with reports using Tableau and Tableau Reader.
CRUD GUI for System AdministrationTanzania, Zambia, Cote D'IvoreWith the initial 0.9 release of OpenLMIS, there was no CRUD GUI for key attributes (they could just be uploaded for configuration, but couldn't be viewed). This was added for the TZ/Zam implementation by JSI, however later is was also added to the core code base, so at this time it's now a common feature set.
Equipment ManagementTanzania, Zambia, Cote D'IvoreTrack and manage lab equipment within eLMIS. This feature is not within the core domain of eLMIS and is a good example of where a module could be used.
ILS Gateway IntegrationTanzania, Zambia, Cote D'IvoreDisplay ILS Gateway (precursor to CommCare Supply) stock data collected from mobiles within OpenLMIS. The current implementation displays the ILS Gateway map within the eLMIS, without interactivity (view only).
User Interface FiltersTanzania, Zambia, Cote D'IvoreCertain screens in OpenLMIS 0.9 contained long lists of data with no way to filter or select what data to see. The eLMIS implementation added filters to some of the screens (need screen list).
Facility EditionZambiaZambia has a need to provide a solution for managing stock at high-volume facilities including the pharmacy and multiple wards. The system needs to operate offline, and track stock levels and transactions between departments. To support this need, a "facility edition" was developed using Window technologies that runs on a PC and is networked at the facility. The solution operates completely offline, and synchronized data to the "Central Edition" (web-based OpenLMIS) monthly.
Product Cost Varies by FacilityCote D'IvoreOpenLMIS 0.9 includes a feature that allows facility commodity budgets, and the cost for each commodity, to be imported. However in Cote D'Ivore, the cost for commodities vary by type of facility. The implementation modified this feature to support varying cost by facility type.
VIMS (Vaccine Information Mgmt System) Project - Cold Chain Equipment ManagementTanzaniaOpenLMIS 0.9 did not include functionality for the cold chain equipment management epic (backlog item that wasn't built out yet).. This feature extended OpenLMIS concepts to allow for adding, removing, and reporting on status of cold chain equipment.
VIMS (Vaccine Information Mgmt System) Project - Stock Management Back-endTanzania, Mozambique CHAIOpenLMIS 0.9 did not include functionality for the electronic stock card epic (backlog item that wasn't built out yet). This feature added the ability to track receipts, issues, and adjustments of stock at any facility, along with APIs support. The backend features support both the Tanzania VIMS project and Mozambique CHAI project.
VIMS (Vaccine Information Mgmt System) Project - Stock Management Front-endTanzaniaOpenLMIS 0.9 did not include functionality for the electronic stock card epic (backlog item that wasn't built out yet). Tanzania added country-specific screens for viewing overall stock status, receiving stock, and issuing stock.
VIMS (Vaccine Information Mgmt System) Project - Vaccine Report Data CollectionTanzaniaTanzania has a specific form used to collect information on the vaccine program from facilities monthly. This form has been added to the eLMIS to support receipt of vaccine data into the system.
VIMS (Vaccine Information Mgmt System) Project - DVD-MT Report ReplacementTanzaniaThe DVD-MT (District Vaccine Data Management Tool) recommended by the WHO includes a standard set of vaccine reports. A selection of key reports has been added to eLMIS. See "Reports with Cascading Selection Lists" description above for reason why standard Jasper functionality was not used.
Cold Chain Remote Temp Monitoring IntegrationMozambique SELVCollect RTM data from NexLeaf RTM devices deployed at health facilities in Mozambique, to support cold chain maintenance for vaccine management
Addition of New Vaccines to Child Coverage FormsMozambique SELV, Benin

New vaccine introductions results in changes to child coverage form. The form is hard-coded in the application, so the addition of the new vaccines required development update.

This screen needs to be configurable, rather than hard coded.

Change Calendar Default

Mozambique SELV


MOZ - Change default selection on calendar control to first day of distribution period, rather than today's date

Benin - Change calendar language default

Add Numeric Field Tags for Tablet UseMozambique SLEV, BeninStandard alpha keyboard was displaying for all fields when using OpenLMIS native in the browser on a tablet. Modified to tag numeric fields so that number keyboard would display for numeric fields.
Modify Fields on EPI Use ScreenMozambique SELV, Benin

Benin/Moz - Add Stock Out Days Column

Benin - Remove Exp. Date Column

Columns on this screen need to be configurable, rather than hard coded

Tablet Stock Management AppMozambique CHAIOpenLMIS does not include a mobile/tablet app. An app was added to support stock management at the facility level.
ReportsMozambique CHAIDue to the reporting limitations of Jasper, this project has implemented reports using <need info).
Bar Code Library (backend)Tanzania / GlobalBar code support is within the domain of OpenLMIS, but wasn't included in the initial release. The added functionality allows OpenLMIS to interface with bar code scanners to support commodity receipt and issue processes.

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