GS1 Questions

GS1 Questions


  1. Should countries/OpenLMIS use GPC for categorizing trade items under client-defined “Products” (i.e. nomenclature)?  E.g.
    1. Donors, such as USAID, may want to know cost per person in country to supply contraceptives
    2. Ministry officials may want to know how many people may be vaccinated with current stock on hand
    3. OpenLMIS may try to implement processes which help re-order, or suggest pick-lists in fulfillment
      1.  simplified example is: Advil brand puts out their Maximum Strength 400mg capsules with a GTIN, at point of care I just want to ensure that I receive enough capsules with 400mg of Ibuprofen
  2. Does a 2-level Product model (one that helps identify trade items, another that groups trade items into usage) follow what GS1 has learned in the healthcare space?
    1. GS1 is pay-to-play, some of our countries may not opt into utilizing GS1, do our models support both users who want some level of traceability and also those who want to adopt a broad set of GS1 standards to refine their traceablity / visibility?
  3. Should OpenLMIS be verifying GTINs?
  4. Can OpenLMIS do much with GTIN without a GDSN subscription?  (short answer is no)
  5. If OpenLMIS became a SaaS offering, are there SaaS friendly GDSN providers?
  6. With end-to-end (E2E) traceability as a goal, are the following broad adoption levels accurate?

    LevelData NeededStandards / Carriers
    e.g. we know we have bottles of Ibuprofen, not however that it was made by Advil.
    Basic product attributes for usageN/A
    (what do we have and who made it)
    Manufacturer/brand ID, basic attributes


    ITF-14 on cases

    UPC or Databar on pack at SDP

    3First In First out
    The product (manufacturer's or generic) and expiration dateGTIN and AI 17
    GS128 on cases at distribution centers
    DataBar Expanded, DataMatrix on pack at SDP
    Adverse Reactions

    Manufacture's product and lotGTIN and AI 10

    GS128 on cases at distribution centers

    DataBar, DataMatrix on pack at SDP

    Full trace
    Manufacture's product, lot and serial #GTIN, AI 10 and AI 21
    GS128 on cases at distribution centers

Healthcare – current best adoption

  1. What are the current GS1 standards used in support of traceability in healthcare?  And how are they being used?
    1. Manufacturers?
    2. Distribution/3PL?
    3. Point of Care?
  2. Focus appears to be on devices with UDI, is this applicable in our context?
  3. Which GDSN providers should we trial and which attributes should we be looking at in:
    1. Pharmaceuticals?
    1. Devices?
    2. Vaccines?

Healthcare – adoption on-ramp in developing contexts

  1. GS1 recommends that clients do a process-review before adopting their standard(s).  Is this on the donor’s radar?
  2. When end-to-end traceability is a goal, what’s a recommended roadmap for adoption of GS1 standards for a country?  (Reference traceability levels)
  3. Countries would need to license a company prefix for some usages of GS1, some scenarios follow.  Will ministries pay for GS1 in these scenarios if the supply chain in-country is ministry run?
    1. Re-packaging items into new products that typically are ordered (e.g. a number of trade items packaged into a kit, tagged with a GTIN, at a regional or district distribution location)?
    2. Creating SSIC’s and GSIN's in fulfillment to dependent facilities/locations?
    3. Tagging sdp/poc, warehouses, district stores, etc with GLN?
    4. Issuing an ASN?
    5. Asking for inventory in EDI?
    6. Recording events in EPCIS?

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