Draft Risk Matrix

Draft Risk Matrix

The following is a draft of risks identified by the VR team and the Product Committee members.  The purpose is to have a collective understanding of the risks associated with the re-architecture and future of OpenLMIS.  Subsequently we can collectively put in place strategies to mitigate the identified risks.

LikelihoodAudience experiencing that risk
Raised by
Mitigation Owner
1MediumSmallImplementorNew deployment before 3.0 is done. How do we support or advise implementation before 3.0 is available?MigrationVR Team


  • Depends on timelines
  • Ideally wait till 3.0 and work with Product Committee to prioritize required features
  • UX isn't changing much (being rebuilt as a reference to support customizations) so there is potential to start on 2.0 and move to 3.0 however no customizations

Are we building the right product for our target market.

  • In addition, lack of original product knowledge, minimal historical knowledge on design decisions, insight into eLMIS implementations.
Market knowledgeVR Team


  • Trasparent development and roadmap.
  • CRDM Process
  • Country outreach
  • Country rep community group
  • TBD
3Large End UsersSolution is too complex for end users.AdoptionVR Team


Closer involvement of country reps, end-users during iterationsPC to monitor (question)
4Medium DevelopersSolution is too complex for developers.AdoptionVR Team7/14/2016
  • Design Review needs to be formalized but is a component of the architecture. 
  • Ideally tooling can be acquired / built to lower on-boarding. 
  • Dockerized development environment is already available and helping.

Josh Zamor

and Tech Committee


Perception of code review as an acceptance of the story. The role of code review.


Code ReviewVR Team7/14/2016Define code review goals and workflow. Provide code review checklist. Continue to adopt practices and enforce standards.

OpenLMIS community fails to grow. Stays small and driven by self-interest.

CommunityVR Team7/14/2016
  • Release OpenLMIS beta & 3.0 and build strong communication around product
  • Hold a second all-community meeting sometime around release of 3.0 or 3.x to re-engage and revitalize community and develop fresh goals/objectives for next phase of OpenLMIS
  • Perform "road show" of OpenLMIS 3.x with VillageReach and other key partners
  • Conduct M&E work on existing OpenLMIS deployments and use this as basis for case-studies and marketing collateral
  • Continue to identify and draw in new partners (ie. PSM, Chemonics, etc.)
7Medium  OpenLMIS community stays dependent on centralized funding from 1-2 primary sources and fails to diversify and encompass open source development principles.Community7/20/16

Under conversation

  • (Potential): Build open source developer community and encourage volunteer coding time to contribute to OpenLMIS core development
  • Identify and engage 3-5 in-country developer experts throughout OpenLMIS geographic spread (ie. West, Central, East Africa) who can serve as local resource for OpenLMIS in-country technical support
  • (Potential): Identify implementation partners interested/willing to take on OpenLMIS support costs - reduce paid staff and move toward more traditional open source support model
  • (Potential): Explore SaaS model for OpenLMIS, identifying possible business opportunity and partner(s) and developing OpenLMIS as a licensed product
8Medium  Donor expectations VR Team
  • Regular communication
  • Regular expectation setting
  • Sharing of risk and mitigation strategies with donors
9   Demand for 3.0 to support the 2.0 feature set.ExpectationsVR Team
  • Continual messaging of roadmap for 3.0, 3.1, and 3.2
10Medium  Tenly leaving for maternity leaveCommunityVR Team


Develop maternity handover document (done), and identify key members of team to support Governance committee, opportunity, and representation activities for 2 months until Tenly returns (early to mid-October)
11Large  Too many new country requests. Distractions. Too many demands of project team. Scope creep.



VR Team


  • Set transparent metrics for prioritization. Review backlog and roadmap regularly with stakeholders to build understanding and shared knowledge on scope.
  • Limit influence of new project opportunities on the roadmap until they are reasonably solid
  • Have different personnel in charge of product development and opportunity cultivation


12 Medium  Poor branding and lack of attributionCommunityVR Team


  • Work requirement into 3.x for inclusion of "Powered by OpenLMIS" or "Supported by OpenLMIS"
  • Make branding assets (ie. design files, logos, graphics) readily available

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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software