Call Information
- 8:15AM PST - Seattle
- 11:15AM EST - New York, DC
- 5:15PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen, Joburg
- 6:15PM EAT - Dar
Webex Link:
Meeting Number: 192 173 465
Host Key: 352864
Audio Connection: +1-415-655-0001
Item | Time | Lead |
Review status of the roadmap and development progress. - testing environment will be up by the end of Sprint 8 (September 20)
- Sprint 7 finishes this week. Key items to be completed:
- v2/v3 Requisition Assessment
- Reference data pulled out as its own service
- RBAC implemented
- New product model implemented
- UI configured, UI working for login
- Upcoming sprint will focus on:
- Stitching the UI together with requisitions
- Continue on Requisition template
- Continue on Export to Order and UI.
- Showcase Information is located here, under Project Management
| 15 min | |
Audit logging approach and scope - Types: Updates vs. Activities
- Scope: All vs. Select
- Strategy / Tool
| 20 min | |
New logo and branding effort | 5 min | |
New opportunities and projects | 10 min | |
Risks: - Risk #7. OpenLMIS community stays dependent on centralized funding from 1-2 primary sources and fails to diversify and encompass open source development principles
- Risk #6. OpenLMIS community fails to grow. Stays small and driven by self-interest
- Risk #5. Perception of code review as an acceptance of the story. The role of code review.
- New risk identified by Lakshmi: Countries do not migrate to 3.0.
| 10 min | |
Notes are documented in blue.
Item | Time | Lead |
Review status of the roadmap and development progress. - testing environment will be up by the end of Sprint 8 (September 20)
- Sprint 7 finishes this week. Key items to be completed:
- v2/v3 Requisition Assessment
- Reference data pulled out as its own service
- RBAC implemented
- New product model implemented
- UI configured, UI working for login
- Upcoming sprint will focus on:
- Stitching the UI together with requisitions
- Continue on Requisition template
- Continue on Export to Order and UI.
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): can you link to the showcases? - Showcase Information is located here, under Project Management
| 15 min | |
Kevin provided an overview and suggested approach for scope. - Types: Updates vs. Activities
- Update: Change of state. Who, what, when? ex. order is every modified (substituted)
- Activity: Login, logout, facility API log, sync activity logs "audit the system"
- Scope: All vs. Select
- Anything that is immutable? or more selective on specific tables?
We think the best approach is to audit everything. Many things won't need updates, like notifications.- Notification, generated based on an event (created and logged - and will never be modified)
- Thoughts, comments and suggestions?
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): In Tanzania there are 6 thousand facilities, and more than upwards of 12 million records. They have run into performance issues. He imagines there will be impact on the storage/performance if tracking all. Perhaps some bench-marking should be done? We have had to optimize the server 2 times so far. In OpenLMIS, all products are being stored for each RnR so we changed it to only store those that are not skipped. Currently OpenLMIS only stores status changes on the RNR. Need to take care of the storage size and performance. He also suggested integration with google analytics for user login tracking
Chris George (Unlicensed) ideally I'd like everything to be in scope since you cannot go backwards. Next step is for the technical team to consider the performance/storage challenges.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) thanks everyone for you input and suggestions.
- Strategy / Tool
- Any suggestions?
- No specific suggestions from the group.
| 20 min | |
New logo and branding effort Rachel Powers (Deactivated) will send out the logos to the listserv and request feedback with top choices. | 5 min | |
New opportunities and projects Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): shared information on Guinea - Early stage currently. Discussion with Gates and MSH.
Chris George (Unlicensed): shared information on Mozambique - Potential expansion of OpenLMIS full-scale in 2017
- On ESMS work:
- Last phase of the tablet work (oct - end of year)
- Discussed the desire to start migration efforts with v3. OpenLMIS team has the list of APIs being used. Closer to the Beta release the team should touch base to see if there are any steps or approaches that can be worked on in the Oct - Dec time frame.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Two task orders released on west Africa support. PWC consortium will respond. | 10 min | |
Risks Decided to address next meeting. |