March 22nd 2016
Attendance Information
7AM PST - Seattle
10AM EST - New York, DC
5PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen, Joburg
6PM EAT - Dar
Meeting Number: 192 173 465
Host Key: 352864
Audio Connection: +1-415-655-0001
Item | Time | Presenter |
Transitions | 5 minutes | Renee Orser (Unlicensed) |
Feedback from toggle decisions | 25 minutes | Community |
Discussion of SIIL Detailed Requirements
| 25 minutes | |
Design Session | 5 minutes | Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) |
Feature variability matrix share | As time allows | Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) |
OpenLMIS Re-Architected feature set prioritization | As time allows | Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) |
Support for Apple devices / Safari | As time allows | Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) |
- Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) to clean up these notes by COB
- Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) to share Product Committee recommendations on global requirements with SIIL team
- Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) to investigate the periodicity of distribution aggregation in SELV.
After discussions with several team members on the SELV & SIIL project, 1 month from sync time makes the most sense for edits. No restriction on view. -KC
- Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) to send out list of prioritized "features" to Product Committee by COB
- Brian Taliesin, Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed), Lakshmi Balachandran, Renee Orser (Unlicensed) to prioritize list and return to Kevin by COB
- Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) to work with Rich Magnuson (Deactivated) & dev team to identify platforms / devices / browsers we support\
Discussed with Rich and created
OLMIS-197Getting issue details...
- Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed) to email the Product Committee with devices & browsers seen across eLMIS deployments
In attendance: Kevin Cussen (Deactivated), Brian Taliesin, Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed), Jake Watson (Deactivated), Lakshmi Balachandran, Renee Orser (Unlicensed)
Introducing Jake Watson
Introduce Jake Watson (Deactivated), the new ISG director at VillageReach. Background working for IRC in Jordan as well as Seattle start-ups and technology.
Transitions with Renee
(Renee joined)
Renee will be leaving ThoughtWorks at the end of the week. ThoughtWorks will have someone replace Renee on the committee, but it hasn't been decided yet. Bittersweet decision to leave the OpenLMIS community.
Feedback on Toggle on / Toggle off Decision
No comments / feedback
SIIL Global Requirements Discussion
Multi-lingual calendar
Brian Taliesin: Have you investigated other javascript calendars? We shouldn't have to develop this from scratch. Calendar should support other formats and languages, as an example, the Ethiopian calendar.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Totally agree, there are 10,000 implementations of calendars out there. Advised Benin team that they should re-use.
Display order to the product group
Brian Taliesin: Thank you! Matching the paper forms up to the display has been a headache, this is a pain point I've experienced.
Lakshmi Balachandran: Display order should not be a required field.
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): Will their be a UI screen to modify the product categories through the UI without an upload? Preference is to have a UI.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Totally agree on not being a required field. For the time being, given the small number of product categories, I think UI is a lower priority. Will add as a stretch goal to the requirements.
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): In VIMS we provide this. However, it's obviously different under push.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Any dissent to making this a global feature?
View / Modify Distributions
Introduction to new feature, description of pain points VR is experiencing in SELV. In Mozambique, drivers will make their distributions (offline) and when they sync the data it is pushed to the database but is no longer visible through the UI. The requirement is to have a way to view past distributions and make modifications when mistakes have been entered (see attached doc for more detail).
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): We don't use distributions in eLMIS so this is a new feature for me. Is there no UI associated with distributions?
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Right, no UI to view or edit post-sync.
Renee Orser (Unlicensed): One thing to keep in mind is at what point should you lose access to edit? How long after a distribution has taken place should it become immutable?
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Our BA on SELV (Christine Lenihan) thought 12 months was an appropriate timeframe. I didn't have a strong opinion. Are there other considerations?
Renee Orser (Unlicensed): If a decision has been made based on this data and then the data changes, how do we verify that that decision maker knows about the change?
Brian Taliesin: I've seen this situation before where lower level employees with doctor the data to create a report and then change the numbers in order to game the system.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Ok, so it should be limited window. Any suggestions? (conversation resumed below)
Lakshmi Balachandran: Will only admin users be viewing the historical data? Does this use case also apply to other business processes?
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): I think we have two user sets: the driver's supervisor and the system administrator. Regarding other business processes, I'm unclear. It doesn't apply to requisitions because approvals and authorizations are part of that process but I feel like it may be hard to generalize this across many different business processes.
Brian Taliesin: In general, I don't think it's in scope for other processes although it does apply to monthly reporting.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Distributions in OpenLMIS include stock levels, service delivery, and CCE data - so that would be covered by this change.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Returning to the question of timeframe, modifiability would only exist prior to the aggregation of the distribution data.
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): Is there periodicity related to the aggregation of the distribution data?
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): I don't know. I will follow-up with my colleagues that work on the SELV deployment to find an answer and report back via email. Any reasons the ability to "view" data should ever expire?
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): I can't think of a scenario unless their is private or secret data
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): I can't think of a case where someone would have view access to data for a short period and then lose it (at least where they wouldn't also lose access to OpenLMIS in general).
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Any feedback on global suitability of this feature?
Brian Taliesin: In general, the idea of edit logs is good. The ability for managers to be able to review orders and call their drivers about things that looks like issues or typos seems like a good feature. Correcting the data with a log of modifications seems globally applicable.
Vials to Doses
Explanation of the need in Benin to display in doses rather than vials. Agreement that this is a global feature and acknowledgement that implementation will be more difficult than writing the requirement.
Brian Taliesin: Rather than doses & vials, these terms should be generalized to "Delivery Mechanism" vs. "Packaging". Why not make it a configurable in the back-end?
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Agreed, this should be a configuration option. Any thoughts on whether this is a global requirement?
Brian Taliesin: "Stock Keeping Unit" & "Dispensing Unit" are present attributes.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): The next item ("Configurable coverage screens") is actually a requirement for our SELV deployment, will cover next session when we have more detailed requirements.
Design Session
Jake Watson (Deactivated): The design session will start next week, March 28th. Someone from all partners except JSI (unable to schedule at short notice) will be in attendance. VillageReach will pay for 1 person from each org to join. Darius Jazayeri (Unlicensed) and Jake Watson (Deactivated) will be co-facilitating the sessions. The plan is to work on the domain model and put forward a high level candidate. Darius's participation as co-facilitator doesn't mean ThoughtWorks has been chosen to do the work, but rather that they have prior experience with these type of decisions and designs. We expect next week to be a busy week. The outputs will be shared to the wider community. The impetus for this session is to explore how we can deliver the re-architecture much sooner than previously communicated.
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): From the JSI side, the notice was too short for us to join. Will try to participate through sessions remotely.
Jake Watson (Deactivated): We will be meeting with Darius Jazayeri (Unlicensed) this week to finalize agenda and will send out agenda shortly.
Feature Variability Matrix Share
Shared the link to this document (Feature Variability Matrix). Continuing to work with JSI to finalize.
OpenLMIS Re-Architected Feature Set Prioritization
Broad list of buckets within the OpenLMIS domain. Created to inform a "ground up" re-architecture and serve as an input to the design session. Kevin Cussen (Deactivated) will email the list to the product committee. Everyone should fill this out and return by the end of the week, so we can use this as an input for the design session.
OpenLMIS Support for Apple / Safari
Experienced a bug with someone trying to demo OpenLMIS on an iPad using Safari. Internally (at VillageReach), we've never tested on Apple products or on Safari due to limited last mile market. Any pushback on this?
Renee Orser (Unlicensed): Do we have any doc on what we support? Since Apple can run other browsers I have no issues not supporting Safari.
Brian Taliesin: If companies down the road want to port OpenLMIS to another platform / browser, do we support that? For example, Microsoft offered to port over a Mac only piece of software for a project.
Jake Watson (Deactivated): Do we have this documented somewhere? What are you seeing in the field?
Brian Taliesin: Farthest back I've seen in the field is IE9.
Jake Watson (Deactivated): We need to keep track of supported browsers.
Brian Taliesin: There is a natural trade-off. Size of market vs. testing, deployment, and security. We should do a survey to support 80% of the install base if possible.
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): For our installations, we use google analytics which will give you the browser.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Is the install base for eLMIS only PCs or are their other devices as well?
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): In Zambia, there are mobile devices as well.
Kevin Cussen (Deactivated): Can you get this info and share with the product committee via email?
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): Sure, I will get this.
Brian Taliesin: I could see a future feature where we regularly report on browser choice.
Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed): Using bootstrap will allow us to utilize responsive design which makes browser choice less important. Most browsers encourage auto-update. Almost everyone uses Firefox or Chrome with auto-update in our experience.
Renee Orser (Unlicensed): In Mozambique, we have an application (as opposed to run through a browser) on android devices. There is also a web portal for Administrators to access the system via a browser on PC. We had a short list of recommended browsers for our work there: Didn't support IE9 or lower or Safari. Supported IE10+, recommended Chrome or Firefox.
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software