July 12th 2016

July 12th 2016

Attendance Information


8:15AM PST - Seattle

11:15AM EST - New York, DC

5:15PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen, Joburg

6:15PM EAT - Dar

Link: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=ME336OCFX2DSU1QPZONSJVMQWP-3O29&rnd=438027.17552

Meeting Number: 193 068 640

Host Key: 312086

Audio Connection:  +1-415-655-0001 



GS1 Update.

Discussion from the group on their thoughts on GS1 standards and the USAID logical reference model.

20 minutes
OpenLMIS rebranding10 minutes

Review opportunities or upcoming plans of committee members and projects.

  • CHAI Android app v3 feature set
  • Others?

All members

Update on current re-architecture and review of where to find information.

15 minutes
Conferences2 minutes




In attendance: 


GS1 Update

Jake Watson (Deactivated): USAID is investing in GS1 standards.  Chemonics, with IBM, will be moving this forward. USAID to hire a GS1 consultant to support this effort. Once supplies hit the central warehouse, USAID's visibility ends.  USAID's Objective: address the difficulties in coordinating among donors and predicting stock-outs.

GS1 is at version 3, mainly used for the private sector

  • Product identification
  • GSDN sync network that you can subscribe to these networks (can see who has what available)

Intellicog - put the logical reference model together (similar to VAN)

VR's thoughts - GS1 not sufficient for our needs right now so will move supporting GS1 schema and features to 3.x.  Unless additional support is found, but we feel moving to the next release will not have material impact since we were only aiming to release the schema in the beta.  Asked BMGF to convene a conference on this for the experts to look at how to implement.  Josh going to GS1 certification next week.

Danni Yu (Unlicensed) - Re: the Logical Reference Model, products (different classes of product) could be helpful to us. 

Jake Watson (Deactivated) - Agreed.

Chris George (Unlicensed) - is the person hired to match GS1 to logical reference model?

Jake Watson (Deactivated) - not sure and GS1 doesn't seem to be pushed to lower lever systems yet.

Brian Taliesin - Concerned about if there isn't native support for nested products it will be a hack later.  What about supporting nested products?  He brought up that he has been telling external people about OpenLMIS support of GS1 (specifically to 6 countries, 4 manufactures).  

Jake Watson (Deactivated), we are discussing have schema and feature release at the same time versus schema first and then features.  We are committed to supporting GS1 and need to refine our approach and timing based on open questions and support.  See the design wiki, by Josh Zamor, for our latest thinking on products.  <Please note this is a work in progress and we are in discussions around this.>

Brian Taliesin - WHO product classification as well (for pharmaceuticals).  Should we be looking into this as well?

Jake Watson (Deactivated) - Will ask GAVI, could we get help from WHO/UNICEF on product master?  Brian?

Brian Taliesin- GAVI or WHO PQS or UNICEF may want to lead on the vaccine product master?  Yes a good question to ask.

Brian Taliesin - We do have open questions on where does the catalog live?  In OpenLMIS?  

Open questions: Where does the product catalog live? Who leads the vaccine product master?  <More to come here Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to add after discussing with VR team>

Additional information: Ethiopia and Pakistan did a pilot on GS1, national requirement of imports/exports using barcodes.

  • Outcome: Jake and Brian will continue to coordinate and discuss options of how to obtain support on GS1.  Jake will update the group on the BMGF conversation around the conference and other parties (from conversations at GAVI) and Brian will follow up with his contacts at GS1 and others.  Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to consolidate and update the open questions.

List of outstanding GS1 questions.


Danni Yu (Unlicensed) shared an overview of the OpenLMIS features used in the CHAI Android app:

  • product configuration (using all attributes) for stock movement and inventory
  • Requisition workflow
  • Stock management - lot support for stock movement

Re-architecture Documentation

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) shared the links to where to find information (briefs, design and software development).  She is working to build out the live roadmap and in the meantime folks can view the detailed software dev work or list of epics.  IMPORTANT: stories and epic organization is in flux at the moment so please do not circulate this information nor take it as fixed.  Comments and questions are welcomed.  She will continue to provide updates on the roadmap development and seek input from members on their information needs.

OpenLMIS ReBranding

We are looking to provide an updated branding kit (logo, font, colors, etc.).  We will not change the UX.  We want to standardize how OpenLMIS is being referenced in implementations and make it easier (and more aesthetically pleasing) to do that. We want to take the temperature of the group on if it seems like an appropriate time. 

Brian Taliesin- Yes

Danni Yu (Unlicensed) - would like to see a consistent branding across the platform. Her client has asked for the logo on their mobile app.

  • Outcome: PC members agreed it was good to move forward.  VR will move forward and update the group on the process and options.  



GS1 standards and USAID logical reference model

Upcoming conferences on the wiki and some additional ones on the attached excel sheet

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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software