May 16, 2017

May 16, 2017

7AM PST - Seattle

10AM EST - New York, DC

4PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen*

5PM EAT - Dar*

*Please note the updated meeting time in CEST and EAT timezones due to time change in the U.S. 

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 

Call Details:
WebEx Link: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=IABEE6JXBCDQEYMHYV81DNBLY5-3O29&rnd=3001.7956266
Meeting Number: 191 186 622
US Audio: WebEx Online or +1-415-655-0001
International Audio: WebEx Online





Chat Captures

Call opening + introductions of new participants (if any)

  • Lindabeth Doby is Chair - will facilitate calls from May-July
  • Volunteer note taker


Tenly Snow (Deactivated)

Fine opening remarks from Lindabeth.

Update on gap analysis5

Carl Leitner

JSI contract signed; meeting last week between PATH, JSI and VR to include using same documentation standards, etc.

PATH TZ (Elaine Baker will be meeting with Alpha; Paul [] from PATH in ZM will be meeting with ZM JSI this week.

Duration expected to be month and a half until complete; things presented to Product Committee as things come in.

Dean and Amanda will be sitting on Product Committee as Brian shifts into his new role; Amanda will be coordinating the Gap Analysis efforts. Carl is ultimately responsible for PATH's engagement on OpenLMIS.

Lauren Wall is helping coordinate the DHI demographics and budgeting.

Update on DHI response & sustainability project10Jake Watson (Deactivated)

DHI is a USAID/BMGF funded program to align donor investments in global goods and ensure long(er)-term sustainability. 15 Global Goods are being asked to submit demographic and budget information.

Jake gave update on schedule, info shared with JSI to get country level data; VR's focus will be to respond for OpenLMISv3.

Lindabeth mentioned that Chemonics will participate eventually (ForLAB, etc.), but that they are just gettting going.

Kaleb asked about long-term vision and transparency for Global Goods

Carl looking to launch a wiki sometime in June, perhaps; will be developing criteria for defining a 'Global Good', etc.

(working draft subject to serious edits)

Presentation on outcomes from the vaccine module prioritization workshop and discussion

Copenhagen, 2-4 May


Please see the Workshop Report for more detail on the objectives, participants, activities, and outcomes of the workshop.

Copenhagen Vaccine Module Prioritization Workshop Report

Other relevant links

List of Participants: Participants

Senegal User Design Workshop (page in progress): Senegal User Design Workshop


Community Updates

/wiki/spaces/OP/pages/112153195 Page has been updated

Vaccine-specific newsletter being developed - please let Tenly Snow (Deactivated) know if you would like to contribute or review content

Please tweet for @OpenLMIS


Alpha, Lindabeth, Kaleb, Mary Jo, Carl, Jake, Rachel, Tenly



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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software