February 14 2017
Call Information
- 6:00AM PST - Seattle
- 9:00AM EST - New York, DC
- 5:00PM EAT - Tanzania
- 10:00PM GMT +8 - China
Webex Link: https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M299H1X42RL8F1ABXL3LOKN9TN-3O29&rnd=371900.06805
Meeting Number: 192 173 465
Host Key: 352864
Audio Connection: +1-415-655-0001
Item | Time | Lead |
Software Development Update
| 20 min | |
GS1 Support and Product Model Introduction to Medical Commodities: OpenLMIS Model for GS1. The model has been updated for OpenLMIS 3 based on the conversations between Josh, Mike and others (USAID BI&A, Intellicog and GS1 consultants).
| 20 min | |
Versioning Discussion OpenLMIS 3 is adopting a periodic release schedule. After the 3.0 release, the community can expect:
These release numbers use a standard called Semantic Versioning. The goal of the 3.0 re-architecture is to enable multiple country implementations to share a common code base and derive "shared value". For example, Country A's implementation might fix a bug or add a new report, they would contribute that code to the open source project, and Country B could use it; and Country B could contribute something that Country A could use. For this to succeed, a few things must happen:
The first bullet point is already underway. The remaining bullet points need to be established with each country implementation. Each of these pieces is critical to establish a strong global community of shared benefit for all participants. We want to make sure everyone in the OpenLMIS community understands this and has the information they need to advocate for this. Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1k4oecJ2vgsxXvv5czJAIaHiNjad8aa3M8JzxtaZBpKg/edit?usp=sharing | 20 min | Brandon Bowersox-Johnson |
Stock Management
| Not enough time, Will follow up on the listserv | |
3.1 Scope and Priorities
| Not enough time, Will follow up on the listserv | Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) |
Update on requests from the Governance Committee
| Not enough time, Will follow up on the listserv | |
3.0 Website Refresh
| Reminder |
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to circulate website content to Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed) for review by Feb 17th
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) and Tenly Snow (Deactivated) to include Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) and Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed) in the release notes and blog creation for 3.0 release.
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to follow up with Tenly Snow (Deactivated) about the blog being released in Portuguese.
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to connect with Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed) about updating the Governance committee on progress of making road maps publicly available.
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) and Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) will circulate Stock Management questions to the committee.
- Team to review the product model changes and versioning messaging and raise any questions.
- Dércio Duvane
- Brandon Bowersox-Johnson
- Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed)
- Shiyu Jin (Deactivated)
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
- Brian Taliesin
Mary Jo
- Finishing Sprint 19;
- The team is organizing/prioritizing the bugs found out during the UAT that took place last week;
- Ashraf and Shiyu: Wants to help out on the blog post/release notes of the release of OpenLMIS 3.0;
- Mary Jo: To follow up with Tenly on the production/translation of the blog in Portuguese
- Mary Jo: should we do a webcast/live demo with OpenLMIS 3.0? Later check - probably produce one in Portuguese;
- Raised that the committee will need to figure out a way to voice/vote priorities for the 3.1 release. More to come on this and please weigh in on the listserv on your thoughts/ideas to do this effectively.
- Changes in ver. 3
- Orderable = Product (Ver 1 and 2)
- Trade item = manufacturer or brand owner and are typically identified by that manufacturer or brand outside of OpenLMIS;
- Commodity types = classifications of commodities, e.g., UNSPSC
- Review the presentation in the agenda for details on the conversation.
- Brian highlighted that each service will have a version number.
- The presentation describes the version of the reference distribution (overall product). Each service will have a version number and can have its own minor releases. The key version for our partners to keep in mind is the one for the reference distribution.
There wasn't time for stock management so information and questions will be circulated to the group via the listserv.
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software