May 9 2017
Item | Time | Lead |
Vaccine Workshop Update
| 2 min | Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) |
Software Development Update
| 15 min | |
Member updates? Opportunity Section on the wiki - /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/112153195
Brian Taliesin - update on DHI proposal | 15 min | Members |
| ||
Stock Management
| Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) |
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to work on putting together documentation on the process of requesting and implementing extensions (work with Ben).
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to pull examples together on the pull requests.
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) invite Alpha Nsaghurwe (Unlicensed) to the Acceptance Testing of Stock Management
Sam Im (Deactivated), Amanda BenDor (Unlicensed), Brian Taliesin, Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed), Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed), Chris George (Unlicensed), Nuran Idris (Unlicensed), Tenly Snow (Deactivated), Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
Vaccine Update from Copenhagen
- Learnings around improving messaging
- What is the future state of the community? Sustainability?
- Program Data discussion - no hard line on how program is collected (program data is data not related to logistics) - still analyzing this component and how covered / collected - into OpenLMIS? or integrated? - immunization group, program data very important, needs to be simple, and they need this data, whether from 2 systems or 1
- VIMS / OpenLMIS / Forking discussion - need to improve messaging on history, and different instances that are out there
- But outcome: update on next committee meeting on product roadmap for this
- Review wiki page
- Ashraf: Wide participation / high energy workshop setting
Software Development Update
- Core team working with Malawi team on patches which is really good experience so far for the most part
- Ashraf: what are the changes that the Malawi team are making? trying to understand how countries are really using the new OpenLMIS framework / architecture - any learnings?
- MJ: Jasper report template functionality pulled back into core; batch hasn’t been pulled back in yet - will have a bigger example by 3.1
- Ashraf: Are these local programmers from Malawi?
- MJ: The team that is setting up Malawi is a Soldevelo team (based in Poland) - still looking for team to do this longer team - L1 support in Malawi - there are not any local developers as of yet for the Malawi implementation yet
- MJ: overall, it’s been going well for smaller requests - bigger requests like batch view, this would use the process that we went over in March 28th (see wiki from that meeting)
- MJ: Process for bringing up new features - any thoughts? Hopefully it comes back up in the next few weeks
(Connection cut out here so missed some discussion; believe that Nuran was making some points)
Member Updates
- Tenly: Previous consortium not moving forward with Nepal - however, there is an organization in Nepal who reached out to OpenLMIS community to see if they could get assistance on the LMIS portion
- Ashraf: Struggled with that whole scope of work for Nepal - 6 months down the road, gaps would be less and could feel more comfortable with responding - current gap is too huge to respond right now
- Tenly: website of organization that reached out re: using OpenLMIS in Nepal was - may not fully understand the LMIS portion, but we don’t really know - look to be more of an engineering / dev shop
- Tenly - mSupply also doing their own response to Nepal
- Amanda: update on gap analysis - call this Friday - VR, JSI, and PATH - where we are in Tanzania and Zambia - documentation / resource sharing discussions - want to set up country calls with both teams - next product committee meeting will have more updates on the gap analysis
- MJ: what are the timelines of the gap analysis
- Amanda: not entirely clear - end of June is a goal of full gap analysis that will flow into the roadmap
- MJ: Gap analysis taking a look at eLMIS in Tanzania and Zambia and OpenLMIS 3.x to see what needs to get on OpenLMIS 3.x roadmap
- MJ: end of May - stock management - afterwards is vaccine and outcome of gap analysis work
- MJ: DHI update?
- Tenly: Digital Health Initiative - still looking to get more clarity on this - next level of information they are requesting around budget is 19th
- Amanda: core software development vs. community effort would be most helpful for what is due by the 19th; technical items are due on 12th
- Trainings in June, Go live in July
Stock Management
- Last meeting talked about the process for Issue / Receive
- MJ: We are moving forward as we do have a release by end of May - approach can be found on stock management wiki page - will have basic issue / receive in 3.1 - if still feedback, please let us know, just probably won’t be able to put in for 3.1
- MJ: If anyone would like to participate in the UAT of Stock Management, will be happening soon - can do immediate minor tweaks as needed
- MJ: Does anyone want to participate?
- Alpha: please add me
- Amanda: please start submitting / thinking about abstracts for upcoming Global Health Digital Forum in November - call for abstracts open on May 12th; conference Dec 4-6 in D.C.
- Tenly: we want to start brainstorming on OpenLMIS presentations or discussions - please reach out if interested in joining this
Video: OpenLMIS Product Committee-20170509 1300-1.arf (download the WebEx video player here)
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software