April 11 2017
Item | Time | Lead |
Software Development Update
| 10 min | |
Member updates? Opportunity Section on the wiki - /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/112153195 | 5 min | Members |
Update on vaccine work
| 5 min | Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) |
| 5 min | |
Stock Management
| 20 min | Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) (please make sure to ask and raise up question 6) |
OpenHIE for LMIS
| 15 min | Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) |
Update on requests from the Governance Committee
| no update |
Chris George (Unlicensed), Brian Taliesin, Christine Lenihan, Nuran Idris (Unlicensed), Dércio Duvane, Shiyu Jin (Deactivated), Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed), Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
Software Development Update
- Released patch of end of last month - can find release notes under release section on wiki - mainly bug fixes, additional validations
- Plan on doing monthly releases - next one right at end of April - bug fixes, refactorings, proof of concepts
- Demo - still in progress - will be out there soon
- Key objectives for 3.1
- Open questions to DHIS2 - if any DHIS2 connections, let us know! (MJ in contact with Lars)
- Reporting - last week lots of conversations around that around users and research
- Stock management
- Core product - bug fixing + tech debt
Member Updates
- Brian: still working on gap analysis with folks in Zambia and Tanzania - hope to be ready by end of May
- Gap analysis work is looking at eLMIS version and see what we haven’t achieved in version 3.0, and finding features to put on roadmap to get to feature parity
- MJ: Governance committee has been sharing opportunities - please test out if you can see the ‘Opportunities (Community)’ pages, if can’t, let MJ know
- Tenly: this is a section where we’ll keep updated with proposals - space just for community members to access - space for members to share proposals and documents
Update on Vaccine work
- Moving along with an upcoming workshop - with all the stakeholders identified
- MJ demonstrated Powerpoint which has a good timeline on it to give insights into where things are at / going - JSI and PATH are supporting on this initiative - gathering requirements for all of these systems - will be putting together a minimal viable product on the vaccine work looks like - will get feedback from folks after May workshop - then going into software development and MJ will keep PC familiar with this
- Vaccine work stream explanation - slide 7 has good high level features and doing workshop on this in May - chunked this into different domains (e.g. cold-chain, stock management, etc.)
- Christine: the discussion on the batch view requisitions during the approval stage really helpful a few week back - looks like people were interested in this - Malawi tight timeline so moving forward with option that the Malawi team discussed vs. global team - if global team wants to be included then that can be contributed back to product
- MJ: great demonstration of an implementation doing something and then giving back - proving out the theory of the microservices
Stock Management
(Shiyu presenting)
- Describing the process of the adjustment in stock management
- Assumption that the stock manager makes adjustments for his home facility programs - currently higher level managers doing this is de-prioritized
- Choose reason first - all products added here would be recorded as same reason
- Adding products to an adjustment
- Can also change adjustment quantity after submit in case of mistake
- Questions / Feedback
- Nuran: What do you expect user to put in signature? Will the system accept when a signature is placed who is not the logged in user?
- MJ: Do you think it would be needed or something that isn’t needed? We’ve heard folks want this additional thing of typing in their name
- Nuran: exactly for audit reasons is the reason for my questions - putting in someone else’s name on signature - since we are in the system, every user keeps own username and password, encourage users to use their own signatures
- Gaurav: in India, there was a requirement to have e-signing, particularly to be necessary when receiving stock (less so on adjustments) - other thought that since already signed in you are saying again who you are so seemed redundant - when system is running up at all times, may need more than one user per system
- MJ: another option could be instead of having a signature, could populate your username automatically
- Nuran: noticed that one of the products didn’t have a lot number, is that not mandatory, is that right?
- Shiyu / MJ: yes, more complicated on that and will discuss that soon
- Gaurav: is it possible to switch from reason first, products second to product first, then reasons? You could have a first product that has 4 damaged / 4 expired, so would be product focused - don’t think facility officers are reason focused, but more product focused
- MJ: this has been a deep discussion - we have heard both - is product first, or adjustment type first? Should we have either option?
- Brian: it is interesting type of model - seen people use the same type of reason for a batch - seems fine to do two adjustments for batches of products
- Dercio put in a note that intuitively selecting the products first seems more intuitive before applying a reason
- Shiyu: how about dates - will there be different dates for damaged vs. dates for expired
- Gaurav: yes, there is a question on the integrity of stock on hand - within month vs. exact date
- MJ: If multiple reasons at once, would you also need multiple dates?
- Gaurav: yeah, I agree - would be good to reach out to other countries to see if this should be configurable
- MJ: with our timelines, we can’t do configuration yet - will need to make a decision first - Lakshmi had initially put in a reason first - need to figure out what’s the first way to do this, then we can modify the experience later
- Nuran: I have seen people look to see a product’s overall view of what adjustments that have happened on that single product so agree with Gaurav’s point on India
- MJ: Date is a required field on the adjustment / transaction
- Gaurav: what about data quality on this?
- MJ: Facility Edition is doing it on each transaction - but don’t have enough information on
- Brian: Are we assuming they are paper first and then recording this into OpenLMIS later?
- MJ: Probably depend on the implementation - observed that they’ve done a parallel process at beginning - but haven’t seen anyone remove the paper more quickly
- Brian: replicating the ledgers and copying those into the system, requiring double entry
- MJ: Facility Edition got closer to a transaction, which would improve data integrity - seems I’m hearing we are preferring to copy a paper process as opposed to being more transactional? Is that correct?
- MJ: Personally, I’d like to see this be an opportunity to be a transactional system, more daily vs. monthly - but we also operating in a unique world
- MJ: If anyone has any insights on who to talk to around this (transactional focus vs. paper based focus), please share.
- MJ: not enough time for lots, but please look through this and give input on this
- Shiyu will send out email on lot information
OpenHIE for LMIS
- Mary Jo will circulate an initial list on stakeholders to be a part of the conversation - please provide any more inputs on who should be involved in these conversations / confirm that this list is who would have good input into this community process for HIE
- Tenly: on the next Governance Committee call, Scott from InStead will talk about how to streamline HIE conversations - internal discussions on how to make those conversations more efficient - if anyone interested in Governance call next week, you can hear more about this next week on April 18th
Video: OpenLMIS Product Committee-20170411 1256-1.arf (download the WebEx video player here)
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software