August 1 2017

August 1 2017

Call Information

  • 9:00 AM PDT - Seattle
  • 12:00PM EDT - New York, DC
  • 6:00PM UTC+2 - Zambia
  • 7:00PM EAT - Tanzania
  • Webex Link: Link
  • Meeting Number: 192 173 465
  • Host Key: 352864
  • Audio Connection +1-415-655-0001 


ItemLead (Time)Notes

Software Development Update

  • RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap
  • Past sprint reportsSprints 21-Present (v3.0.1 - 3.2.0+, March- 2017)
  • Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 31
    • Focus on building out more for CCE and connecting Requisition and Stock Management.
  • Upcoming sprint:  - Looking to continue building out CCE.
  • Overall updates:
    • Release 3.2.0 on August 30th (not mid-September). We need to make sure 3.2.0 is stable since we expect Malawi will roll it out during September
    • Continue to make performance improvements.
    • Batch approval feature will be pulled back into core. Screenshots have been sent out for review.

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson (5 min)

Software development moving forward quickly

Product roadmap → main work focusing on vaccine functionality.

Enhancements to stock management for vaccines, based on Copenhagen priorities, and new screens, etc., to manage CCE.

Work is happening on requisition enhancements for vaccines as well. Have not yet started forecasting and estimation or resupply. Workshop in Senegal covered the resupply features.

Next release: End of August, 3.2.0 - beta version of some new features like CCE screens. Implementations that upgrade to the latest version don't necessarily have to use those new features. End of year, goal is to release 3.3 that will have the entire vaccine scope completed.

3.2 is a beta version of some parts of the final release.

Product roadmap → can click into boxes for further information. Click into the sprint report and see a specific list of what tickets each team completed.

Coordinating on 3.2.0 release on bug fixes and additional functionality.

Batch approval feature - finished by the Malawi implementation and being used there in their rollout. Further conversations have been held so the code can be refactored and pulled into the core product. Has taken collaboration and time to get there. After go-live, programmers will finish the refactoring and contribution work. Maintenance of that feature will be supported by the core team. Glad that this feature will be contributed back in.

Ashraf: Question on requisitions enhancements for vaccines. Do you have any kind of UI mockup already developed?

Brandon: Changes to Requisitions will be mostly invisible to the user. Change that's being done is under the hood, connecting the Requisition forms to the Stock Management service where the history of SOH values is stored. Every month when someone submits their requisition form, the SOH value from that form, will get sent over to Stock Management service so that the stock service keeps a running history of the historical number. So, if people use the Stock Management feature to use transactional or daily data entry (record adjustments, receipts, transfers, etc.) in real time, they will be able to see a history of some data for previous months' SOH numbers that came off of requisition forms. Won't change the UX for the person filling out the requisition, but will store the data in Stock Management to get a better history of stock data.

Note: Here is all the background about Connecting Stock Management and Requisitions work. This is the part of the Requisition Enhancements that I was referring to.

VIMS - When the facility submit their monthly report, they had vaccine usage, wastage, open vials, etc., when those reports were converted to a requisition, demographic targets and max/min were used to calculate resupply. Ashraf is interested to see how this is being handled?

Senegal Design Workshop Update


Presented Slide Deck:


  • Was there a deviation in countries between process flows?
    Tenly: No, I was surprised at how uniform it was. There are small deviations, such as different strategies when there is no working refrigeration and whether they then use a cooler to still hold a distribution. But the larger process around how a re-supply is determined, how annual needs are quantified, calculating buffer stock, all of those key pieces seemed to have a core consistent process between countries.
  • How long will it take to build these features?
    Answer: Tenly: We were really focusing on the Re-Supply domain. We would work on incorporating this into the on-going vaccines work.
    Brandon: The original roadmap had 3 months (September - November). The software team will be looking at the outcomes from the workshop to see if this 3 month timeline for Re-Supply is still feasible.
  • What deviation is there from the scope and priorities determined at the Senegal workshop?
    Answer: Tenly: We will need to compare what came from this workshop with the priorities from the Copenhagen workshop. A few items, such as the Allocation Dashboard, were new compared to the previous defined scope. But mostly this workshop gave us more details–the personas, the processes, the data points–that simply give us more detail about the Re-Supply priorities that were identified in Copenhagen.
  • What about the DVD-MT and SMT?
    Answer: Tenly: A number of the countries represented are using the DVD-MT and SMT. It was included in the process flows at this workshop. (EG, "At X point in your process you would need to fill out a certain data tool.")
    Further Discussion: There are existing Excel-based spreadsheet systems to track vaccine data. These are used in a number of countries. This workshop helped to identify who manages those spreadsheets, the processes, the people, the data elements. This helped to identify how countries could gradually move into an electronic system.
    Ashraf: In Tanzania, there were existing users of DVD-MT and SMT. We found that the features and practices they wanted were a web-based replica of the practices in the DVD-MT and SMT. In pilot regions where we implemented VIMS (and based on EPI program IVD requirements), once they were fully satisfied that the same information was captured on the web-based implementation, then they accepted the process and were supportive of a country-wide rollout.
Member updates? Upcoming travel or opportunities?

Questions on upcoming work/features:

View Requisitions page enhancements: OLMIS-2700 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • What are the primary use cases for this page?
  • Are users interested in viewing historical requisitions?
  • Are there any comments on the filters and sorts?
Sam Im (Deactivated) (10 min)
Malawi Update



Tenly Snow (Deactivated)Brandon Bowersox-JohnsonCarl LeitnerAshley Canchola (Unlicensed)Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed)Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed)Sam Im (Deactivated)


Video: OpenLMIS Product Committee Meeting-20170801 1543-1.arf (download the WebEx video player here)


OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software