Software Development Update
- 3.0.2 to be released this week. List of tickets completed.
- Upcoming sprint Backlog Grooming Sprint 25
- A recorded demo of OpenLMIS version 3 – Requisitions, is now available on the OLMIS YouTube Channel here!
- Velocity for the VR team may reduce due to travel.
- Due to this, potentially looking to remove the 3.1 scope for shipment files for external fulfillment
- Requests from developers have come in to contribute to the community. Still following up but exciting to hear some interest.
- Documentation: we are working on the Configuration Guide. We hope to have a finalized state by 3.1. Feel free to review and provide feedback on content/structure. alongside of the configuration guide, we will have a Glossary/Definitions page. It is a work in progress and we appreciate support and comments.
- Update on Key objectives for 3.1 : In May we hope to work on the following.
- Program Data : Drafting technical proposals for the technical committee to review. Looking into DHIS2 for an MVP. We will also continue to consider ODK but are currently in discussions with them on their timelines.
- Reporting :
- Stock mgmt : Completing the adjustment workflow. Based on feedback the adjustments can be done by searching for a product. We are hoping to build out a simple issue/receive (or transfer in/out) workflow. Given the time/resource constraints the functionality will be basic but allows for future development.
- Core Product : Expanding audit logging scope, demonstrating extensions or requests for extension (Malawi's desire for a seasonal consumption formula)