April 25 2017
April 25 2017
Item | Time | Lead |
Admin update
| 2 min | Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) |
Software Development Update
| 15 min | |
Member updates? Opportunity Section on the wiki - /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/112153195 Upcoming conferences and OpenLMIS representation : Opportunities (Archive)#Conferences
| 10 min | Members |
Update on vaccine work
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Stock Management
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OpenHIE for LMIS
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Update on requests from the Governance Committee
| no update |
- Intros - new members from PATH: Amanda BenDor and Matt Morio (sp?)
Admin Update
- Did start a PC committee Atlassian group - e.g. see batch view for Malawi requirements - if missed anyone, let us know
Software Development Update
- Currently doing patch releases - looking to do next one this Wed or Thurs - reach out to Mary Jo with any comments
- Backlog - bug fixing, admin screens (viewing products, aka orderables)
- New recorded demo is out there - let us know what you think
- Tenly: YouTube can visit freely; if go to website, we want to gather information; if you know someone who wants to see it, feel free to give them YouTube link; just extra layer if someone hits website to get to video
- Note: Lots of VillageReach team traveling in May (Copenhagen, Poland); so might be a dip in work done
- Recent scope additions
- Stock Management: we are adding in a simple issue / receive
- Recent scope reductions
- Finishing external fulfillment - we want to wait for gap analysis work to do this; prefer to focus on other core updates; due to reduction of Soldevelo team, just won’t be able to finish in May
- Implementing example extensions - held off on arbitrary examples since we have some real extension examples from Malawi
- Ashraf: the extension points that are being developed for Malawi implementation, are they done by local programmers or done for them by the VillageReach team?
- Mary Jo: the team that is supporting PSM is a Soldevelo team which has a team of developers in Poland, 4 devs (?); VillageReach is leading the effort of support, but Soldevelo is doing the dev
- Ashraf: context from my question - does OpenLMIS 3.x allow extensibility by the implementors, and depends a bit on who is doing the extensions
- Mary Jo: so we should demonstrate how Malawi goes about doing that extension so community gets familiar with how that happens
- Ashraf: Yes, I believe so - this is an area that might help other future implementations - this is an extension point they added, this is their experience, this is their timeline - will give confidence to future implementors for doing customizations outside of the core
- Mary Jo will put something more formal together on this extension experience - will work with Ben
- Have gotten requests from developers on doing development work - we are cycling back with that and will keep you updated
- Sam is making good progress on configuration guide, finalizing state on 3.1 - work in progress at the moment - please review and comment on how to make better or on info that was hard to digest, or have additional documentation, let us know
- Key updates
- Program Data
- Reporting - connecting with Josh still on where we are with that - will come back to PC soon with an update on this
- Stock Management will talk about in a bit
- Audit logging scope - reference data viewable by the UI, extension points and requests + bugs
Member Updates
- Amanda: call for abstracts for Global Digital Forum will be out on May 12th - looking for interactive type sessions + panels + lab session (2-3 hours w/ limited participants interacting with pieces of software) - the forum is the 1st week of December - Venue is in D.C. proper at the JW Marriott, right across from Ronald Reagan building - 2.5 day event
- Chris Opit and Mattias will be at ICT4D in Hyderabad coming up
- Ashraf: new feature requests
- Tanzania implementations
- integrate with Epicor - initial implementation to send the order file to Epicor ERP, they fulfill the order - actual fact is that they were complaining about day to day issues - when new products are added or prices change - no interface to read those new products / price changes - frequently create new SKUs (e.g. different formulation) - eLMIS had imported the product list from Epicor - if new product you are adding come to eLMIS FIRST then edit product description and details / price, and new product should be added there in the eLMIS (OpenLMIS) - in actual practice they are getting out of sync - if send to Epicor, had to make manually changes to these SKUs - disconnect with new SKU that eLMIS was not aware of - new request was to work together with Epicor and eLMIS and come up with new screen for where products are added / changed
- Get visibility on zonal warehouses on Epicor - 8 zones, and users of Epicor - when R&R is approved, people don’t know if online quantities fulfill that order or not - new request to electronically to sync stock status on daily basis as an electronic interface
- Mary Jo: was there also a discussion around the facility list (as well as product list)?
- Ashraf: further down the line - we’ll focus first on item that is getting system out of sync than facility
- Mary Jo: how often are products changing on Epicor
- Ashraf: on an average, every quarter, 10-15 new products are added (maybe variation on existing products)
- Mary Jo: with electronic sync for stock on hand for zonal warehouses - is this b/c they don’t want to go to Epicor website to see?
- Ashraf: Epicor might have an internal network that allows web-based access - my experience is that it is a network desktop app - client server model - outside of zonal area, don’t have access - eLMIS users might be in this scenario and don’t have day to day access to Epicor
Update on vaccine work
- Vaccine workshop is next week
- Next PC call will have large update on how things went there
- Looking to identify most important features are and kick off vaccine work
- Malawi is contributing back - one of the more exciting ones is for batch view - good insights into what can come back into core
- Desire for a new source of data for the average consumption (monthly) - still working out details but that will be an example of bigger extension point
Stock Management
- Last meeting we discussed the lot management process - did not get any feedback on that, so we did move forward with a decision on that
- Moved forward to solution #3
- When we turn on lot management, how do we handle this situation - restrict info only to lots, do both? We are letting implementors to enter in stock on hand or adjustments against the trade item
- Can find more details on this on the wiki
- End users would be responsible to balance out their stocks, their responsibilities to associate adjustments with those specific lots - we are not enforcing using of lots when doing adjustments
- Issue / receive - new scope explanation by Shiyu
- See wiki page for more detail - under the main stock management section of design on wiki
- MJ: we are limiting the scope in this initial implementation, so we can build off of this later on, starting with most simple first
- currently reviewing the feature via wireframes - this is the point to chime in with comments from the PC
- Nuran: can you provide link so we can review and provide feedback in next couple of days
- Shiyu: need feedback by end of this week
- Ashraf: how is the list of lots sorted?
- Ashraf: another thing we have seen is that those lots are put into quarantine - those lots might have attributes that are active or ‘under quarantine’ - other facilities using these might not be allowed as haven’t gotten quality checked - they are allowed but have a separate attribute - any way to allow to see lots that are in quarantined?
- Shiyu: we get the lots from separate service - we can mark as inactive is expiry date has already passed, but not doing any of this yet with lots
- MJ: right now, lots are centrally managed, so as we look at experience for admins, this is a good piece of feedback for admins to decide whether to put in lots that are not active or under quarantine - still need to think this through - right now, quite simplistic, once in system it is available - can definitely do more work flow for admins as needed - can put on roadmap for how we do the lot management process
- Ashraf: they actually don’t want these lots to be scattered all over the coutnry - don’t go to next lot until previous one has been spent
- MJ: good point - currently up to end user to choose what they are using for adjustments
OpenHIE for LMIS
(Did not have time for this)
Video: OpenLMIS Product Committee-20170425 1258-1.arf (download the WebEx video player here)
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software