PC: August 20 2019
Last Meeting Notes: PC: July 2 2019
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes and Updates |
Software Development Update Roadmap: Living Product Roadmap Current sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 131 Upcoming sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 132 Version 3.7:
Team stats: https://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504 Velocity: | Wesley Brown, Sebastian Brudziński(5 min) | Version 3.7 Update Development Budget Changes Living Product Roadmap Updated |
Product Committee Call Changes | Wesley Brown (5 min) | Change from bi-monthly calls to two, monthly calls:
Members are welcome to join either or both of the calls. Please note that trusted partners should have at least one person attend at least one of the call each month. Rebecca: Have an agenda item to update the other meeting |
OpenLMIS Community Meeting | Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) (5 min) | Please fill out your availability/interest on this page: Community Meeting 2019 |
OpenLMIS in Emergency Contexts | Josh Zamor (10 min) | We are looking for feedback on on this Discourse post by Josh: https://forum.openlmis.org/t/brainstorming-openlmis-in-disaster-crisis-conflict-contexts/5227
Planning for version 3.8 | Wesley Brown (10 min) | Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog Please fill out the ranking poll here: http://www.polljunkie.com/poll/wakcoc/openlmis-37-feature-priorities Rebecca & Josh: demo data Josh: Add feature for reports utilizing maps Christine: Admin screen wizards and Offline Stock Management Josh: What level of offline support? Christine: Thinking about it holistically, support users being able to do stock management functions offline (realtime data entry while offline). Airtime, if required to be online, could become a considerable expense given that the system would be used more regularly Sebastian- Admin screen feature: people understand it differently; info in the epic might not represent what people understand of it. Epic is focused on facility based products. Improving to the admin screen in general should be reflected in a separate epic. Christine was referring to the more 'general' interpretation With our current development budget, we will only be able to tackle 1 or 2 features Christine suggestion: to be more responsive to mobile browsers/adding mobile to QA) so that the system could be used on a tabletfeedback |
Product Committee Role | Wesley Brown (10 min) | What is (or should be) the role of this committee? Rebecca: What we're doing now is one aspect of our role. Perhaps because our dev budget is smaller there will also be less to discuss related to the ongoing product work. Sharing experiences from implementations Sebastian: Should focus more on long-term plans for OLMIS. Sprint showcase may be a better place to give feedback on ongoing feature development. We should focus on what we should be working on in the next release. Christine: Discussing how to implement/design features with feedback from implementations and partners. ← An existing function. Make sure implementation stories are being shared across both PC meetings Josh: Get through priorities and then make some mock ups, those can be useful. have something concrete to give feedback on, and get to the design. This would be particularly helpful to do one release ahead of time. think more about the 'how' Sebastian: would mock ups be done beforehand? sometimes people don't understand the features well enough. mock ups could only be a few hours of work and help people understand what the feature should bring What can we do to more effectively fulfill that role? Josh: Get through the priorities and get into mockups. Get more into the design. Sebastian: Mockups only once we've decided to prioritize a feature or to help figure out the prioritization of features? Having the mockups as part of the overall prioritization discussion shouldn't take too long and could be very helpful. |
Next PC meeting: Topic ideas?? | Confirm Version 3.8 Planning, Project Casper Update (Demo?) | |
Additional Requests and Information: |
Josh Zamor, Parambir S Gill (Unlicensed), Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed), Christine Lenihan, Wesley Brown, Sebastian Brudziński, Momad
- Wesley Brown to paste meeting link once ready
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