PC: April 9 2019
Last Meeting Notes: PC: March 26 2019
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes and Updates |
Software Development Update Roadmap: Living Product Roadmap Current sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 122 Upcoming sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 123 Release:
Team stats: https://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504 Velocity: Context: Includes all four teams. Team performance is impacted by manual testing, regression testing began in Sprint 105, released 3.4 in Sprint 106, released 3.5 in Sprint 113, Holidays impacted 114 and 115. | Wesley Brown (5 min) |
The release process will start in Sprint 123 and the 3.6 release is expected to take place at some point during that sprint. Meeting Notes: Big group of work over the past year. Some small changes, but in shape for a good release. Thank you to Team Parrot for velocity in last sprint. Next product committee go over high level features? What was included in kitting component? How is the stock kit reported (reported as a kit, constituent components, or both)? |
OpenLMIS Administrative Messages | Sebastian Brudziński (15 min) | Discussion: https://forum.openlmis.org/t/pc-meeting-april-9/5049 When working on Malawi, need to let users about upcoming downtime of system. Message on homepage configurable by administrator with expiry timing. Challenge is that not all administrators have an email address. Even though may have an email address, may not be using on a regular basis. Questions to group:
(Nuran) Posting a message is welcome for Malawi. And central MoH may have additional messages that could benefit from the feature. +1 How do you envision working with limited internet connectivity? (Nuran) Only relevant to those logging in during time of message. Yet, if log in during down time, may also receive message via email. Is there landing page, indicating that maintenance is underway? (Sebastian) Not at this time. (Future feature?) May have situations where there are partial updates to orders. (Simon) Might be different type of notifications to users. Some short lived, when log into system (e.g., pop up notification that system will be down in 2 hours) and others may be more persistent (e.g., landing page that there is a change to a system process). Different degrees of urgency and implemented in different ways. May want subset of users. (Sebastian) How would subset of users be picked? By role? (Parambir) Appreciate system notifications. As far as changes, may just point users to the release notes. (Matt) Users may not be the type to read release notes. Perhaps messages could point to a more detailed resource. (Wes) Should not be trying to recreate email (Nuran) Online location to provide training and (country-specific) release notes for users? (Future feature) (Simon) Perhaps utilize the "System Last Updated" area to link to some release notes (or otherwise provide more helpful information/documentation (Future Feature) (Parambir) Could the release notes be included in the system? (Matt) Country-specific release notes would only include features used by country, country reports, etc (Sebastian) Core release notes target implementers rather than users
OpenLMIS Mobile Strategy | Josh Zamor (15 min) | Governance strategy document: Reminder of mobile strategy published earlier in 2018. Some traction but did not have a way to move forward. Useful for individuals to begin with this document and extend. (Gaurav) When we say mobile strategy, are we saying OpenLMIS on mobile devices or something else? Devices for health records are often in a different room than stock management. Leveraging device to do both may or may not work. Bar codes, have been talking for some time. Standardization on packaging a huge issue in India and elsewhere and brings in challenge at the pack level. Serious operational and cost challenges. Other option is to enforce standardization and quality control. (Parambir) Would this be built from the ground up or from something existing? What part of the logistics process would this facilitate? (Gaurav) Could look at an existing app like SIGLUS (Parambir) SIGLUS folks would be very happy if we were to utilize (extend?) that app. There is some work that may be started on the app "soon". Currently works with OLMIS 2.x, would have to evaluate how much work it would be to integrate with v3 (Nuran) MoH (Simon) UI would be a major concern (priority) Could the sneakernet (etc) be better supported by something like a remote server? |
| Wesley Brown (5 min) | Feature Discussion: https://forum.openlmis.org/t/potential-post-v3-6-features/5028 Action Items:
Transitioning the Product Committee
| Wesley Brown (5 min) | Feedback Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KPVKM5Q Trusted Partners: Please have at least one person fill out the survey by the next PC meeting. |
Next PC meeting: Topic ideas?? | ||
Additional Requests and Information: |
Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed)
- Wesley Brown to paste meeting link once ready
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