Item | Lead (Time) | Notes and Updates |
Software Development Update Roadmap: Living Product Roadmap Current sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 113 Upcoming sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 114 Release: - 3.5 release update: Phases 1&2 complete, Bug fix phase started Tues Dec 4, Malawi has started testing
- 3.6 release scheduled for the end of March
Team stats: Velocity: Context: Includes all four teams. Team performance is impacted by manual testing, regression testing began in Sprint 105, released 3.4 in Sprint 106. .png?version=1&modificationDate=1543888757441&cacheVersion=1&api=v2&width=456&height=250)
Key Challenges | Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) | 3.6 Scope is still under discussion but the following is a list in priority order. - Ona: DHIS 2
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- MTG: Finish splitting suppliers -
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- JSI: Finish the FTP shipment file import tickets → tickets will be removed from this epic finished for 3.5
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- Parrot: Release Faster
- MTG: Notifications (scope still needs definition)
- External development:
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Still under discussion for scheduling and scope for 3.6 - Reports:
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Improve SSO to occur with initial login versus using the web browser up navigating to the Reports
- Configuration: export system data to improve configuration process
- Reports: new user to have access to whole service
- Reports: Superset enhancements - pop-ups for maps, map legend, admin ui for uploading shape files.
- Kits
- Performance
- Budget Feature
- Lab Equipment
Out of Scope: Discussion happening here: 3.6 Scope Planning |
Release Update Update on the 3.5 release: 3.5 Regression and Release Candidate Test Plan - Testing phases 1&2 are complete
- Bug Fix Phase has begun
- Once bugs are fixed we will retest
- Malawi has started testing
- Performance Testing will start on Wednesday
- Daily bug triage at 6am PST
| Sam Im (Deactivated) |
Reporting Review options for user experience with superset reports (
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) - List view to iFrame
- One landing page with navigation inside of superset
- What about configuration reports
If there is time, provide an overview of the scope being discussed for 3.6. | Clay Crosby (Unlicensed) and Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) | One suggestion is to hide the Superset menu structure since it is confusing. Craig and Brian - use the dropdown and prioritization from eLMIS to ease the navigation and reduce clicks Sebastian - if the view reports was to show something more it would be useful (data required to run the report, filters or search criteria to generate report) then it would be useful. Malawi will review these navigation options and respond with information before the next committee meeting |
Update on development of
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| Ashraf | No update.
NFR Performance Update NFR page: Non-Functional Requirements - performance | Wesley Brown (5 min) | Wes was not present today. |
Update from Zambia meetings |
| The teams are still working on trip reports but we want to open it up to share two things they thought were useful for the group to hear. A trip report will be published that share the Gap Team meeting notes, site visits, Thursday advocacy event, people who were met, next steps Ashraf: - Prioritization discussion where we changed priorities from ARVs to Kits was a useful discussing and we had input from representatives from TZ, Malawi, Moz, Angola, Zambia.
- During the Advocacy lunch event there was a lot of interest expressed (Uganda and Kenya). Attendance was high (50ish people)
Sebastian: - Budgeting feature is quite desired and needed in the countries using eLMIS. However, each country implementation has different requirements. This will take a lot on our side to develop that in order to meet the diverse needs of everyone interested in this feature.
- Mary Jo: Budgeting depends on an external source of information (i.e. an accounting system) it can only bring value if they have a good external data source for that data.
Chifundo: - Some users want a system that determines how much budget is remaining and it seems like a very important feature
- From the OpenLMIS advocacy event, the costing of the implementation itself is very important and of interest. How much does it cost to implement OpenLMIS v3. What are the cost implications for implementing OpenLMIS? How much is the bare minimum setup cost?
Rebecca: - Many questions focused on the presentation around the Malawi implementation, their experience, what happens on the ground, how to plan, what does the timeline look like? This information is often needed before the implementation gets started.
Mary Jo: - People were very interested in data visualization. There were a number of side sessions around data visualization. There are many dashboards in play across multiple donors in a single country. We need to be able to navigate whether we are going to take data in and perform cross-domain analysis or if we need to focus on pushing to other domains? Are we duplicating efforts within the country's eHealth architecture approaches?
- There is a lot of interest, a challenge and a point of opportunity in discussing the different versions of OpenLMIS that are currently deployed. How do we discuss the different versions, what is the story for each and how do we build a shared understanding around what's out there?
Clay: - Advocacy event and trusted partner meeting – How do we share that the different versions are a single community? What is the process for upgrading and how can they migrate over time?
- It's important to continue to focus on how we continue to work together and improve the platform wherever possible.
- The number of participants in the advocacy event was excellent and there were many people who are not already members of the OpenLMIS community. We would like to keep that momentum going.
Next PC meeting: Dec 18th Ideas?? |
Additional Requests and Information: |
| RFI from GAVI/GF due Dec 20th. - This is a global GAVI request.
- Should we respond as a community or individual organizations?
- Recommendation to have this come from the global OpenLMIS community.
- Some of the criteria they request is around implementation capacity. The global software community can respond to a portion of the solution and each implementation partner is able to respond to remaining items.
- A global response for OpenLMIS would be easier than multiple responses.
- Angola is working on this to see if and how it can be applied here.
- Brian and Simon would like to support this RFI
December 10-11 2018: Global Digital Health Forum in Washington, DC.