PC: August 14 2018

PC: August 14 2018

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 11:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesPC: July 31 2018



Lead (Time)


Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprint: Focused on release process. Hope to release after RC3.

Upcoming sprint: Still in discussion, most of the team's have been focused on the release.  Discussions around the next 3.5 release have been captured here 3.5 Release


 Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) (5 min)

Simon Dean has joined for the first time beginning an implementation in Angola

Update on OpenSRP mobile integration work

Craig Appl (Unlicensed) (5 min)
  • OpenSRP server API endpoints have been created and tested
    • Exchange of CT and TI information
  • Stock Details Summary Page Code is committed
  • Sam is working on the landing page for Programs
  • Continuing to expand the functionality on issue/receipts 
  • Request for support from the community, to continue the conversation around "bulk transaction/issues" screen
  • Target doing a showcase of where things are at.

Update from OpenHIE

OpenHIE Community Meeting 2018 - Trip Report

Key takeaways and next steps.

Craig Appl (Unlicensed)

Elias MulunehBrandon Bowersox-Johnson, and Craig Appl (Unlicensed) attended the OpenHIE community meeting in Arusha.

If you are interested in joining the OpenHIE Supply Chain subcommittee, please sign up for the listserv and meetings here: https://wiki.ohie.org/display/SUB/Supply+Chain+Subcommunity

Elias Muluneh built a prototype of extracting location information from OpenLMIS API and send it to HEARTH registry.  Code is committed and hope is to roll that back into OpenLMIS.

Check out the trip report for details around value and next steps.

Craig Appl (Unlicensed) wrote up Software Requirement Specification

Josh Zamor provided the ticket number on the spike so those who are interested in the outcomes and discussion can follow along,  OLMIS-4188 - Getting issue details... STATUS .  Please raise your questions and "watch" the ticket to receive updates.

Finalize Non-functional Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements - performance

Wesley Brown (TBD)

Need more information from the warehouse clerk role

Request: please review the wiki page prior to the discussion

  • (Review the link to the left)
  • Trying to get the working data to be operationalized
  • Two categories, proposed and long-term proposal and represent the feedback accurately.
  • We would like to develop an appropriate working dataset for each role. Do others have insight to the roles that are defined in these roles
  • Request:
    • Follow up with individuals from each implementation to verify the information is correct (See above)
  • Big change in long-term is the change for total number of full supply items. This is a significant change.
  • Performance Goals:
    • Developing preferred baseline metrics
    • The user primarily cares about how long it takes to get an action done. Breaking it down here allows us to identify why something is slow.
  • Feedback:
    • Please add a target hardware profile for the OpenLMIS system that we already have available.
    • The initial implementation assumes that there would be an installation in country. How can we adjust for that in this performance benchmark?
    • Now that we have identified the low hanging fruit of the performance, we can fine tune from there. We should consider varying network scenarios and chaos monkey type profiles where chaos is injected into the mix.
    • Please provide reviews of each line item to validate this with users. Overall, the methodology is appropriate, timely and valuable for the product.
  • Next Steps:
    • Evaluate and scope the process for achieving these benchmarks
    • Prioritize these performance improvements
    • Add them to the product roadmap
    • Additionally, Wes is scoping the steps to automate these processes

Next PC meeting: Ideas??

  • Continue Asset management discussion, we have invited Jen Antilla from I-TECH to join and share her experience with OpenELIS

  • OpenSRP Integration project status walk through

Additional Requests and Information:

  • Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) is joining the team temporarily to support us with Community Management till we determine the long term strategy for OpenLMIS support. Please help me in welcoming her on our communication channels!
  • Please complete this Release Notes Survey

Community Mtg in Malawi is CANCELED. We are in the middle of discussing other options of having an "add-on" meeting to the GHSCS in Zambia and GDHF in Washington, DC.  Please provide your comments/thoughts via the Google Group here.



Video:  Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/recording/share/1fAKIFDstW9lt1zTkxQajw1lXxvo85Ys-rmWKDJxxCGwIumekTziMw


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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software