PC: January 30 2018

PC: January 30 2018

Call Information

  • 09:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 12:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 19:00 CAT - Zambia
  • 20:00 EAT - Tanzania

Last Meeting NotesPC: January 16 2018



Lead (Time)


Software Development Update

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

  • Reviewed the upcoming sprint activities in the item window to the left
Redesign Emergency Requisitions We are moving forward with Option A and will slot Option B for later.Sam Im (Deactivated)
  • Sam presented Option A and option B when deciding how to deal with emergency requisitions. The PC made a decision to take an iterative approach.
  • We will generate a trimmed-down version of the products you want to reorder and the amount. It will not be used for reporting.
    • In the future, we would like to have a configurable template for emergency requisitions.
  • This iterative approach is a change from current behavior. Currently in OpenLMIS, you have all of the columns available and you are required to complete the full report.
  • Ashraf: This approach is appropriate. We note that this provides the minimum functionality and we need to iterate on it to add additional configuration to the process in the future, most likely during the gap analysis.
  • We will note these changes explicitly in the release notes for 3.3.
  • We will be implementing this feature in the upcoming sprint.
Gap Analysis estimation meeting updateAmanda BenDor (Unlicensed)
  • The Gap Analysis project was supposed to kick off this week
  • The project is delayed because we are awaiting for approval from donors. The digital square team will be meeting with USAID tomorrow.
  • It's a high priority, but it's out of control at this time. As soon as we get control, we will do our best to get back on track.
  • Mary Jo: This delay will likely shift the deliverable dates. We will update everyone once we have more information about when we can get this project off the ground.

Review the updated Local Fulfillment UI mock ups and design

Short Presentation

Nick Reid (Deactivated)
  • Nick Presented (See link to left) The presentation defines the changes made
  • Background on local fulfillment -> /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/88670474
  • Slides 2-4: We split out the orders view. Users will only be shown orders that they can fulfill at their facility. There will be two clear actions "Start fulfilling" and "Continue fulfilling" in the event there is a draft of the shipment available. Once the draft shipment has been finalized, it will shift to the next step in the process and the order will be removed from this screen. Historical orders will be in the current orders page.
  • This is only for orders that are fulfilled by OpenLMIS. This feature will not be available in the case that OpenLMIS exports orders to a fulfillment system.
  • Question: What about removing orders that we do not want to fulfill?
    • This is an edge case that is beyond the current scope. We could set all of the quantities to zero to remove it from the screen.
    • We should address this in a future release?
  • Question: Can we add an "age of order" visual indicator to this screen?
    • We currently do not have this. We have the date created column that's visible. We need to explore the background logic here.
    • We should capture this idea and add it to the list of future features.
  • Slide 5: Order Fulfillment page. This is the page that the user sees when they click the action button on the right side.
    • We have the ability to create a print-pack list.
    • This page will be smart about Vaccines and VVM status if the trade item has a VVM status requirement. If the facility doesn't have a CCE inventory configured in OpenLMIS, it will not show up there.
      • The mock-up doesn't include the VVM status.
  • Slides 6-8: We would like to make a design change
    • V1, V2 and V3 include zebra stripes. Even and odd numbered rows have different colors. The thought behind this is that it helps readability.
    • We need complex row coloring to be able to show users where they can edit.
    • It's a minor change, but we would like to do it universally so we could add value on different screens across the system.
      • i.e. - Slide 8 shows a mouse hover that would currently clash.
    • Ashraf Feedback: We could keep zebra stripes on screens that display information and remove zebra stripes on pages that require input. 
      • This would require two different patterns for two different types of interfaces.
      • ACTION: Nick will follow-up on this in a future committee meeting
Gavi demo updateMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
  • We are actively confirming details.
  • Current projection: We will be demoing 3.3 to GAVI the week of March 26th - 30th
  • REQUEST: Please let us know if any partners have connections to GAVI or know of anyone in Geneva that we should meet with.
  • Mary Jo and Vidya will be traveling to Geneva.
  • Chris Wright is coordinating the meeting, working with GAVI this year.
Request for Input: Discuss desired Stock on Hand visualizations. How to make it action oriented? What is the key value addition?Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
  • As we build out the functionality of local fulfillment and proof of delivery, we are working to build out the indicators on the reporting platform. We are currently working to build out indicators and data elements in the reporting interface.
  • We currently have a data model in the reporting platform.
  • Now that the data elements are in, we can use the analytics platform to define the reports visually.
  • REQUEST: Is there anyone who is able to support the creation of views over the next week that make stock-on-hand view graphics? Also, does anyone have reports they can share
    • Mary Jo and Vidya are working on creating stock on hand visualizations.
      • Ashraf
      • Alpha
      • Dercio
    • ACTION: Mary Jo will set up a call to discuss this.
Next PC meeting: Mobile Strategy conversation and review the OpenSRP integration scope for 3.3.


  • Mary Jo
  • Amanda BenDor
  • Tenly
  • Ashraf
  • Sam Im
  • Brandon
  • Derico
  • Josh
  • Nick Reid
  • P Gill - PSM
  • Chifundo
  • Craig Appl
  • Matt Kumbuyo
  • Alpha


Video or URL: https://zoom.us/recording/play/FKOwjBj_xCw8bFifruFQBCkB-55pFHJ3jCtTaP1CgOTMYxr2N7tdiXET0foxBVza 


OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software