PC: May 22 2018

PC: May 22 2018

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 11:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesPC: May 8 2018



Lead (Time)


Software Development Update

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

  • We now have multiple teams joining the Gap project. Teams are getting started with setup and will get started on feature development on the next sprint.
  • The VillageReach and SolDevelo team is getting started with scheduling now and will start on Gap soon.
  • Note: The diverse locations of teams, size of teams and change are all challenging and we appreciate the communal effort toward success.
  • Thinking of doing a 3.3.1 patch release. We will keep the community posted.

Gap Roadmap Update and Discussion

  • Results from voting (3 people, representing Malawi and Mozambique, all VR employees)
  • Need to submit to Governance for approval (next week)
Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

Can others please fill out the survey? I would really like input form CHAI and PSM

  • At this moment, we do not have input from anyone who is not a VR team member. Thank you to those who have participated.
  • We would like get more representation from the community?
    • Teams will work on it today
  • Mary Jo will aggregate this feedback and provide it to the Gap teams
  • There will be a governance meeting next week to approve the meeting.

Non-functional Requirements


Josh Zamor
  • The link on the left defines the non-functional requirements of the system. These are mostly technical requirements and are a work in progress.
  • Everything we define as non-functional requirements should be testable and integrated in our development and testing process.
  • The bullet points in Process provides an overview of our community's focus.
    • We need to get to "How are non-functional requirements created?" - It's a combination of the Product and Technical Committees. As a community, we need to flesh out how that works. We need to figure out the process of doing this jointly.
  • The other non-functional requirements are documented as stubs and are a work in progress.
  • Suggestions for focus:
    • Is there a way to define data integrity processes and quality? If the number of transactions gets in the 1000-10,000+ transactions, we had to introduce an archival policy to reduce the load on the database.
      • This could also be part of the performance section.
    • How would we define backup and data recovery processes?
    • Josh Zamor Could we add a link to performance based on the server convention?
    • How can we link the system architecture to the operational support skills that are available in the areas where there are implementations? How can we support the hiring process for operational support team members?
      • Devops includes:
        • Multi-server configuration
        • Understanding of networking
        • Real world experience with Docker and eventually orchestration
        • Understanding of *nix configuration
        • Securing the system
        • PostgreSQL management and tuning
        • Offsite backup
        • (AWS resource management)

Tanzania eLMIS roadmap and upcoming work

Alfred Mchau (Deactivated) to insert the list of requirements.

Alfred Mchau (Deactivated)

New Requests

Filter:  Getting issues...

  • As a committee we will review any new requests that come in. We will then ask follow up question or clarifications. Once the scope is clear, we will prioritize with the current work for development.
  • Roadmap status = still under discussion
  • ToDo status = ready for work
  • Once the feature is slotted for work, we will change the ticket type to a "story"

Next PC meeting: Ideas??
  • Update from Malawi
  • Working session on "Defining the size of working data. e.g. off-line or in-process stored locally and / or that a user works with at any given time."
    • We hope that members come prepared with information on their current implementations to inform the definition.
    • We will see if Chris Opit (Unlicensed) can join.

Additional Requests:





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