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We did not update the budget below because the financial person is out on holiday.
See the table below (In Progress)
The projections are high-level projections through the end of the grant. March may have more funding spent around the release time.
Risk - Travel for an in-person meeting to share reporting scope
Contracting Update
Any concerns or updates?
Double check the contract end dates.
Contracts end 31 May 2019
Travel Requests
Do we need to have teams physically meet up for the reporting stack knowledge sharing? If so, when and where?
Please submit your USAID concurrence request to Wesley Brown.
Brandon: Might be a great opportunity to bring together many different groups that are using or interested in using v3 (including implementations) to Nairobi. Would be a good chance to get devs together with implementers and others in the community
Ashaf: Agree!
Craig: Suggestion to just focus on devs with remote access for others. Possibly after the release but before Easter (April 21st) - so maybe around the week of April 8th or after Easter on the 29th. Likely could be hosted at Ona offices. As another option, could also host a number of recorded video calls.
Wesley Brown To discuss with VR, SD, and countries and get possible numbers.
January and February (Sprints 117 &118) - Gap Project Review
Team Performance
Please note that performance does NOT include meetings, design work nor testing. Points do not reflect all the work completed but are the best measure at this time and help us understand where the effort is during the sprints.
Team Feedback:
Across the board
Last two sprints have been good. Some of the story points are higher than normal because we have been encouraging the teams to include all of the work they are doing on tickets. Other things such as regression tests weren't getting captured.
There are contributions from every team.
We have made good progress even though we have still been scoping primary 3.6 features
No comments
No comments
Not present
Risks for 3.6
Please share if you feel there are any key risks to completing 3.6 on time and with the defined scope.