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The projections are high level projections through the end of the grant. March may have more funding spent around the release time.
January and February will likely be lower than what is projected.
No one has planned it in February, so we won't be able to get the approvals in before the end of the month.
Risk - Travel for in person meeting to share reporting scope
Contracting Update
Any concerns or updates?
Double check the contract end dates.
Contracts end 31 May 2019
Travel Requests
Please submit your USAID concurrence request to Wesley Brown.
Burn Down
Important for 3.6
DHIS2 delivery
Performance improvements
What's not reflected?
Teams did work which wasn't a part of the original scope. Tech debt, bugs and testing improvements. Any suggestions on how we talk and account for that work so donors understand the importance and long-term value it brings?
Interfaces haven't made much headway - We should reflect on.
The reporting burn down estimates were off from the beginning
We didn't estimate enough time for infrastructure work
The majority of the work from April until September was all infrastructure and the bulk of our scope was the visualizations. The level of effort on visualizations wasn't able to get started until that infrastructure was completed.
The visualization work started in September through November, that helped drop epic points during that period.
Feature work was invested in.
Did we adequately represent the feature work in the original scope?
A lot of work that the teams were doing is not reflected in this burn down. This includes working on bugs, maintenance and systematic improvement.
When we look at the final numbers, there is a lot of scope we didn't get to on the burn down chart. We need to develop a story that identifies what was worked on and how that relates to the grant.
This gap burn down was only 3/4 of the original scope.
We will not get to all of this scope that we identified.
There are items in integrations we won't get to as well as reporting.
Ashraf Reflections
The field teams like the visuals.
The field teams still want to see the "formal" reports which come out looking like (PDF exports with headers, tables and labels)
More work needs to be done on how to sell and switch expectations from the formal reports to looking a visuals to do analysis.
Each team organized their work differently in terms of epics and tickets. It's possible that the graph is skewed.
Mary Jo
The original Epic Points were on two different scales. The feature work was estimated at about half of the reporting work. However, the feature work and reporting work level of effort were not necessarily at that scale. For example, there were two teams working on feature work and one on reporting. This chart suggests that much more was delivered in reporting than in feature work.
We should review how we present this to the stakeholders at the end of the grant.
Question around additional funds from USAID missions.
Brandon - hasn't been able to connect or figure out a way that the $600,000 could be used to support building out the gap features. Right now focused
Can the trusted partners and community identify opportunities locally that help them address these scope gaps?
PwC does have plans to reach out to the mission around the migration.
Another potential opportunity is with the Zambia RFP (start in Oct 2019) to pitch migration and potentially funding more of the gap features.
November and December - Gap Project Review
Team Performance
Please note that performance does NOT include meetings, design work nor testing. Points do not reflect all the work completed but are the best measure at this time and help us understand where the effort is during the sprints.
Sprint 115 was a major holiday period for many teams
Lots of holiday
Dec and Jan will be low because only two members of the team were working.
The team had lower productivity in 116 because the engineering team was dedicated to another project.
Finished some tickets after the showcase, not sure if those are showing up in the graph above
There were a number of tickets that remained in progress in sprint 115 that may have gotten done in 116.
The team worked on shipments which traverses the 3.5 and 3.6 release. There has been investment in scoping improvements to shipments that are better than eLMIS.
Planned to have Multiple Suppliers feature done by Sprint 116 but had a blocker
Team mostly worked on bugs and tech debt in January, and design tickets that have smaller story points
Starting a work plan in Sprint 118 to identify all tickets for remaining work and plan to finish by end of Sprint 121
Plan to start trending upwards
Risks for 3.6
Please share if you feel there are any key risks to completing 3.6 on time and with the defined scope.