Gap Project Meeting Notes
Gap Project Meeting Notes
18 April 2018
- Participants – Mary Jo, Craig, Ashraf. Sam is expected to join later
- Review team org charts (update the boardthing prior to the meeting with your team’s FTE)
- Review Budgets - Do we need to shift our budgets?
- VillageReach needs to confirm team size
- We need to independently identify the cost amount per team
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed) - Please complete
- If we reduce Roger do we have resources that we can assign to another team member like QA
- Review the budget for Peter, Roger and Matt (%FTE)
- Important points:
- The Governance Committee will be monitoring the management, resourcing and overhead
- We would like to get as large a team as we can given the budgets.
- Cost and velocity are critical and will be looked at. All teams should keep that in mind.
- We will need to identify the cost effectiveness of team Ona, JSI and VillageReach with velocity.
- We have a deliverable to governance in May around team structure
2. Set up sprints
- Sprint Prep work:
- Create team members in Confluence/Jira, Slack and
- Create and Groom backlog
- Identify available staff
- Review sprint cadence
- Sam Im (Deactivated) to provide an overview of the OpenLMIS process and workflow between the team leads at 9:00am Pacific/12:00pm Eastern (backup is 7:00 Pacific)
- Previously-used slides: OpenLMIS Agile Practices google slides plus pull from VillageReach Agile slides (more content on estimation/points/burndown).
- Sprint Process
- Team Grooming Backlog (when/where)
- Team Estimation
- Team Sprint planning
- Daily Team Stand-ups
- Daily updates (end of day)
- Sprint Showcase
- Team Retrospectives
- Communication channels and expectations (meeting notes, flagging priorities in JIRA, responding to mentions)
- QA Process (what the Jira board columns mean, dev to QA hand-off, epics, tickets, tasks)
- rules about ticket types, priority, etc: Software Development Methodology
- rules for reporting bugs, priority, etc: Contribution Guide > Reporting Bugs
- Definition of Done: Developer expectations and definition of done (Understand the current definition, coding standards, code reviews in Fisheye or GitHub) We may need to amend this in the future with Josh as the dev team is onboarded.
- Shared Calendars
- Are we tracking a GAP sprint, or a team sprint in Jira? (Sam to present options so that a decision can be made on Friday - considerations for the importance of tracking velocity by team, shared QA resource, etc)
3. Set expectations on project start dates
- Ona: interested to start on
- JSI: interested to start on
Sprint start dates:
- Ona:
- JSI:
4. Re-affirm the cadence and schedule
5. Raise any risks and concerns
- Ashraf to prepare with the context for any Q/A with Governance committee
- Chris will be the team lead for JSI (Ashraf is his backup)
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed) will update boardthing to reflect team structure, identify team budget (not shared resources), and write up narrative for context of team structure and costs by
- Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) will update boardthing to reflect team structure, identify team budget (not shared resources), and write up narrative for context of team structure and costs by
- Ashraf will update boardthing to reflect team structure, identify team budget (not shared resources), and write up narrative for context of team structure and costs by
- Review Budgets - Do we need to shift our budgets?
- Update Boardthing with actual individuals, FTE allocation and Time Zone
- Meet on to finalize the governance committee presentation
- VillageReach needs to confirm team size
- We need to independently identify the cost amount per team privately
- Craig Appl (Unlicensed) - Please complete
- If we reduce Roger do we have resources that we can assign to another team member like QA
- Review the budget for Peter, Roger and Matt (%FTE)
- Sam Im (Deactivated), Craig Appl (Unlicensed), Ashraf and Chris Opit (Unlicensed) will meet on Friday to review the information above
Updated the Board with the resource and their % of availability
OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software