2018-10-18 Meeting notes

2018-10-18 Meeting notes


Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/620544583



  • Review risks
  • Review upcoming travel

Discussion items


Check-in on Budget/Spending

  • See table (below)
  • We are currently around 40% of Gap budget spent to date
  • Do we know travel spend projected? We don't yet have a budget projection. We can see that in the future.
  • Question: Is approval required to extend project timeline to March? (see below in Contracting Update)

Update on Zambia travel

  • Travel has been approved!
  • Gap team members (who are not "trusted partner representative") need to focus on gap-related activities
    • Site visits, validating requirements, in-person meetings, etc
    • Must have enough gap-related outcomes to justify travel
    • We will be planning specific activities
  • Meeting planning document: November Meetings in Lusaka, Zambia
  • Mary Jo requesting that team members give input on what their respective focus areas would benefit from during this trip
    • Ex - Ashraf to provide feedback on what JSI needs to facilitate notification work
    • This is related to OpenLMIS 3.6 scope planning.

Each team needs to do this and provide feedback:

Short-term 3.6 Planning Tasks

Contracting Update

Extending Grant to March. Will need to update contracts with JSI and Ona.

September (Sprint 107 & 108) Gap Project Review

  • 66 tickets completed
  • 161.5 story points

September Team Performance

Please note that performance does NOT include meetings, design work nor testing. Points do not reflect all the work completed but are the best measure at this time and help us understand where the effort is during the sprints.

  • Team Feedback
    • Mind the Gap (Sam):
      • Sprint 109 - Some vacation, started work on mCSD, 3.4.1 testing and release
        • Difficult to get actual work into tickets
      • Need to work on better breaking down work into tickets that represent actual work performed (or to be performed). Also need to improve planning for feature work.
    • JSI (Ashraf):
      • Sprint 109 - Caught with Definition of Done, a number of tickets in Review and QA at end of sprint
        • Communication difficulties with Sam away for testing
        • Team schedule was not taken into account during sprint planning
        • Assisting Ona team for superset reports was not captured in a ticket
      • What can we do to help?
        • Will communicate with VR (Wes) when blocked (ie, tickets not getting tested)
        • Current process is to ask for someone to QA tickets, not that tickets are automatically picked up. The #QA Slack channel can be used for this.
    • Ona (Craig):
      • Critical meeting at the end of Aug to define the scope for the reporting stream
        • This really helped to focus the team and create a work plan for the work going forward
      • 3.4 release very focused on devops (foundation work), 3.5 is focused on creating gap reports
      • Planning for 3.6 should follow similar pattern to help define scope
        • DHIS2 will likely be scheduled
        • Support other teams to be able to build on top of reporting stack
          • Planned as part of Gap project for Jan 2019
      • Primarily focused on report-stack-specific work, not as much on general OLMIS work
        • Trying to funnel work to "best" team so that time is not spent getting up to speed on things that another team could do faster

Risks for 3.5

Please share if you feel there are any key risks to completing 3.5 on time and with the defined scope.

  • A majority of the team is traveling during the scheduled release time.
  • Team leads to post potential risks to #gap_project channel by end of day Friday (10/19)

Gap Project Spend

Grant AmountAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember


Action items

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