Implementers - February 4 2020
Last Meeting Notes: Implementers - January 7 2020
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes and Updates |
Software Development Update Roadmap: Living Product Roadmap Current sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 143 Upcoming sprint: Backlog Grooming Sprint 144 Version 3.9:
Team stats: Velocity: | Wesley Brown, Sebastian Brudziński (5 min) | Development Update: |
Global Product Committee Update | Meeting Notes: Global - January 21 2020
| |
OpenLMIS Upgrade Efforts | Wesley Brown |
3.9 Feature Priorities | Wesley Brown (15 min) | Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog Focus for 3.9 - Stock Management - OLMIS-6732Getting issue details... STATUS
Diana: How can other community members impact the backlog and priorities?
Diana: Is it too late to request a feature for the upcoming release?
Diana: It would be better for users if Stock Management was capable of working in a way that displays the products with lots breakdown, but also where it only displays the summary of the products |
OpenLMIS upgrades | Diana: How do we ensure that upgrades are easy?
| |
Next PC meeting: Topic ideas?? | Implementation/Partner Update, Feature Priorities Possible Demo of SIGLUS (20 min) Discuss Version 3.10 Priorities | |
Additional Requests and Information: |
Wesley Brown, Matthew Kumbuyo (Deactivated), Dércio Duvane, Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed), Sebastian Brudziński, Dianna Lourenco, Joseph Mtenje (Unlicensed)
- Wesley Brown to paste meeting link once read
- Wesley Brown to coordinate with Dianna for SIGLUS demo
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software