Global - April 21 2020

Global - April 21 2020

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 11:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesGlobal - March 17 2020



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 148

Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 149

Version 3.10: 

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504


Release completed for 3.9; getting started on 3.10 in the coming weeks

velocity is picking back up again; probably as a result of some of the work we are doing with CHAI

COVID implementation; finished reference instance set up (https://covid-ref.openlmis.org)

Working on the PCMT integration piece

Implementer Meeting FeedbackWesley Brown (5 min)
Implementation Response to COVID-19Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) (10 min)

What is happening on the ground?

  • Mozambique: Need to adapt delivery schedules to deliver covid products; now issuing essential goods as well as ARVs into the same shipments; possibility of reviewing distribution routes to facilities and CHWs
  • Need of CCE catalog to be operationalized ASAP; covid samples need to be stored at the same temp as vaccines; EPI might have a strong role to play in the future of the epidemic
  • Dianna (MOZ): Still early, but COVID products are in OpenLMIS and are ready; they have a master data mgmt system and import that into OpenLMIS
  • Wes: We are re-purposing CCE catalog for COVID products. 

What support can the OpenLMIS Steward team provide?

  • Christine - More concrete guidance on what data is helpful/needed to gather

We will be contacting each country implementation to see how things are going and how we can help!

COVID-19 Project with CHAIWesley BrownGaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed) (10 min)

New project collaborating with CHAI: to manage the logistics behind COVID19 response

This is a topic that OpenLMIS has been thinking about for a long time; spinning up a new instance of OpenLMIS for use in emergency situations

Run in the cloud; quick set up; and manage specifically COVID19 commodities

SolDevelop Team is working on this 

Changes to the system: CCE service being used to track ventilators and other covid equipment. Trying to keep it simple and not make many changes

Timeline: aggressive, aim to test next week

Question we are grappling with: How do we define a master product catalog for covid-related commodities?  

Current OpenLMIS countries are well positioned to use this product; 

For Phase I, only going to support new cloud based installations; then in a later phase we can figure out how to integrate with existing implementations

Christine: the plan could be different depending on the country; for example in Malawi it could be straightforward to add a new program. There might not be a benefit of having a separate instance

If you are interested in possibly using the OpenLMIS COVID tool, reach out to Wes or Rebecca. The cost for implementation is covered by CHAI

Josh: donors are trying to align on how to get this out quickly; what is the functional product vs. the SKU's. OpenLMIS is focused on downstream, which means there can be differences in the product catalogs between donors, facilities, etc. There is a need to align the product lists

PCMT=Product Catalog Management Tool; helps you manage your catalog and work with others to manage your catalog PCMT 1 pager

URL:  https://demo.productcatalog.io

PCMT being used to help adjust back to to the routine supply chain catalog/lists

for more info reach out to us at pcmt@villagereach.org 

Version 3.10 Feature Priorities

Wesley Brown (15 min)

Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog

Proposed Focus for 3.10

  • Stock Management 
    • start to build support on a few different pages but will not completely finish in this release 
    • Offline Support:  OLMIS-1621 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Performance:  OLMIS-3814 - Getting issue details... STATUS
      • started on this in 3.9 and will continue to focus on this in 3.10
  • Vaccine-related Feedback - fixes or high-priority improvements
    • Make sure we leave time on vaccine features that will be used for the first time; earmarking time for this

Next PC meeting: Topic ideas??

COVID System Demo?

SIGLUS Upgrade Discussion

Additional Requests and Information:


 Wesley Brown Dércio Duvane  Josh Zamor Momad Megji ,Klaudia, Langa, Paulina, Dionildes Silva, Christine Lenihan, Dianna Lourenco Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)



OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software