Global - March 17 2020

Global - March 17 2020

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 11:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesGlobal - February 18 2020



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 146

Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 147

Version 3.9: 

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504


Core Development has completed work for 3.9. Just waiting for contribution from Moz(?) related to ISA calculation. Expecting to start release process on Thursday.
Implementer Meeting FeedbackWesley Brown (5 min)

Meeting Notes: Implementers - March 3 2020


  • v3.10 Feature Priorities
Impact of COVID-19Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) (5 min)

Potential Timeline Impact

  • Core Team (SD, VR) should not be impacted, already working mostly remotely anyway
  • Implementation Teams:
    • Testing should not be impacted, that can certainly change quickly though
  • Non-Core work is more likely to be impacted
    • TZ Upgrade - Not clear yet if or how this will be impacted (first COVID case only just identified)
    • Moz SIGLUS - Loss of flexibility in providing assistance

How can OpenLMIS be Helpful?

  • OpenLMIS-Lite (simple configuration)
  • Ensure that implementations are supported quickly
    • Adding Products
    • Emergency Requisitions
    • Configuration of Kits
    • Core team will prioritize any configuration or work related to this
  • Share information about what countries are doing to prepare

Preparing for the Next Release (v3.10)

Wesley Brown (15 min)

Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog

Proposed Focus for 3.10

  • Stock Management
    • Offline Support:  OLMIS-1621 - Getting issue details... STATUS
    • Performance:  OLMIS-3814 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Also need to leave some buffer for Vaccine-related fixes or high-priority improvements

We want more input! What other priorities should we be focusing on?

Christine: UAT for SELV will be getting started shortly. Will be the first implementation that is using the vaccine features so there may be some fixes/improvements in that area

Rebeca: Is support for Lab Systems something that is being requested?

  • Alfred: Lab equipment standardization is a high priority. A basic equipment system was built into eLMIS and will need to make its way into OpenLMIS
  • Rebecca: PSM suggesting building a service that does both lab and equipment management
    • PSM is hearing that many countries are just using Excel for this
    • This could be a good feature to help "sell" OpenLMIS
  • Christine: There has been some discussion in Malawi about integration with a lab system.  Lab supply chain is a "little neglected" so the processes would likely need to be improved along with implementing any system. Getting this into OpenLMIS has not been a huge priority (as has any Lab system). Bundling of reagents would be helpful (perhaps some kind of Kit?). For equipment management, in the SELV upgrade in Moz - have received some requests to expand the CCE management:
    1. Include the equipment maintenance
    2. Expand to other equipment (eg vehicles), more general asset management. This can actually factor into the quantity of things being requested - for example, the motorbike is not working and so they will not be doing as many vaccinations as normal
  • Doing asset/equipment management well requires a dedicated system, but many (most?) places do not have them in place. Is there a commonly used open source asset management system that we could look into building an integration with?
    • Have basic support in OLMIS but a recommended way to integrate with a higher functionality system

Next PC meeting: Topic ideas??

Additional Requests and Information:




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