Implementers - May 5 2020

Implementers - May 5 2020

Call Information

  • 00:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 03:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 10:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 11:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesImplementers - March 3 2020



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 149

Upcoming sprintBacklog Grooming Sprint 150

Version 3.9: 

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504


Development Update:

Note that current work is being done primarily in the COVID Jira project

Global Product Committee Update

Meeting Notes: Global - April 21 2020


  • COVID-19 Project
  • Implementation COVID-19 Response
SIGLUS Upgrade Check-InDianna Lourenco
COVID-19 Project (CHAI and VillageReach) ProgressWesley Brown
  • OpenLMIS COVID-19 Edition this wiki page is being updated; and will soon contain implementation guidance
  • working on PCMT integration for this tool

1 pager on the OpenLMIS/COVID-19 Tool: 

Feel free to read and share the above 1 -pager to see if your country might be interested in adopting this tool 

The tool has a county-level focus; does not currently tie to global supply systems but might in the future

Could also be adapted later for more general emergency response

3.10 Feature Priorities

Wesley Brown (15 min)

Feature Backlog: Feature Backlog

we will be working on 2 stock mgmt functions:

Also expect to incorporate feedback from vaccine module

Next week hope to have kickoff meeting to make sure everyone has a chance to be involved, ask questions and learn more about the features. 

Implementation Response to COVID-19Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed)

What is happening on the ground?

  • Malawi - Need to track COVID-related commodities at 4 hospitals. Looking to set up a separate program with very frequent reporting (every 1-2 days)
  • COVID-specific configuration can be brought into v3 countries that already have OpenLMIS running

What support can the OpenLMIS Steward team provide?

Next PC meeting: Topic ideas??

Implementation/Partner Update

Chris: Zambia working on COVID tool- how to compute resupply quantities; rather use moving averages

Momad: What is OpenLMIS plan for implementing mobile app? facility level. Moz  uses it for stock cards at facilities

thinking about how we can re-use the SIGLUS work to move OpenLMIS to mobile

Additional Requests and Information:




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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software