February 28 2017

February 28 2017

Call Information

  • 6:00AM PST - Seattle
  • 9:00AM EST - New York, DC
  • 5:00PM EAT - Tanzania
  • 10:00PM GMT +8 - China

  • Webex Link: Link
  • Meeting Number: 192 173 465
  • Host Key: 352864
  • Audio Connection +1-415-655-0001 



Software Development Update

  • Current : Last day of Sprint 20
  • Upcoming : Backlog Grooming Sprint 21
  • 3.0 Release Update :
    • 3.0 Scope Update: Correction on scope, stock management work is not being released
    • Release date moved back by a day so that we can complete the 2 week sprint on Tuesday and then release Wednesday.
    • DRAFT Release Notes - 3.0.0 Release - 1 March 2017. If you have comments, please use the inline comment feature for ease of tracking/responding. This is still draft and team members are still reviewing.
    • External blog post (20170227_OpenLMIS Version 3 Release Blog.docx), Tenly Snow (Deactivated) has been working with partners on a collaborative release.
    • Stock Management Update: TW is coming to Seattle the week of March 6th to align on design and scope for 3.1
    • Still discussing and figuring out an opportunity for a webcast/live demo with OpenLMIS 3.0.
    • Scheduling a 3.0.1 patch (March 29 2017) for Malawi :
      • Bugs (Manage POD screen has some issues)
      • Features:
        • Admin screens,
        • external fulfillment via shipment files,
        • high-priority reports (TBD)
        • Final data validation in the requisition form OLMIS-1911 - Getting issue details... STATUS and OLMIS-1989 - Getting issue details... STATUS

3.1 Scope and Priorities

  • Draft 3.1 priorities
  • Need to begin reviewing and prioritizing. Governance Committee will want to review and sign off.
  • Discuss an approach to voting and giving community members a way to note down preferences.

Stock Management Questions

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) and Shiyu Jin (Deactivated)

Malawi Requests

Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) and Christine Lenihan

Update on requests from the Governance Committee

  • Functional spec toolkit is up on Confluence - Functional Specification Template <MJ INSERT new feature>
  • Publish current implementation's roadmaps publicly
    • Update from Ashraf (Cote d'Ivoire, Zambia, Tanzania)
    • Update from Mary Jo (Benin and Mozambique)
  • Merging roadmaps to see across all implementations and 3.x
    • Blocked by first step


  • New website will go live on March 1st
  • We didn't get accepted to Google Summer of Code (sad)
Text update





Software Development Update

  • Mary Jo to follow up with Brian about joining some of the stock management activities in Seattle next week
  • Tenly thinking about conducting a webinar about the 3.0 release already - details not flushed out fully yet - thinking this could be more of a hosted interactive webinar - walk through a demo and point out key changes in 3.0 - great to hear from partners who would want to be a part of that planning
  • Gaurav - pre-recorded demo would be nice - not a lot of the folks would be able to join live - demo could allow diving deeper into the pipeline
  • Tenly - at least recorded demo on the website - currently have to get an email and do in-person demo - so plan is to have an already walkthrough demo for people, can download video of someone walking you through basic requisition flow
  • MJ - pre-recorded demo useful for you, Brian?
  • Brian - release notes work just fine on my side (pre-recorded demo better for countries)
  • Chris - pre-recorded useful for us
  • Brian brought up that many times a patch is meant to include bugs / performance type fixes; in this case it’ll include features; important to make sure this doesn’t hinder teams as they wouldn’t be able to move onto focusing on new features for 3.1, but instead new features in both 3.1 and 3.0.1 so certain extra things need to be taken into account, like extra regression testing
  • Mary Jo: good point and we can talk to the team about this
  • Mary Jo: this patch would also improve the demo’ing capability as well, but yes, it does add some work as Brian says - data validation isn’t something that is needed that we didn’t get around to - mission critical ones

3.1 Scope and Priorities

  • Discussion around reporting decisions that will be made in 3.1, with an focus on the needs of vaccine reporting
  • Brian pointed out that there is a parallel discussion going on with reporting in the OpenHIE community - Vital Wave brought up - in general, extension points are being created to enable the commercial products that are more powerful and out there and adopted, but a lower level reference architecture that handles some of that functionality but allows open source framework especially for demo purposes and getting things set up - saw on wiki / google group - Brian to send out link to group
  • Note that reporting won’t be excluding requisition / stock management, but also take these into account - but needs to make sure it encompasses vaccine needs fully
  • Vaccine reporting framework would eventually be part of a version 3.x release down the line
  • In regards to the “Currently not prioritized” section, Brian mentioned it would be good to call out existing countries that are using these; Mary Jo mentioned that the gap features encompassed these
  • Brian: would be good to flag something as a request from countries or upcoming countries
  • Mary Jo ask around “Is this a good way to present our roadmap for 3.1 to the Governance committee?”
  • Brian: good to convey how a feature maps to a country ask - even call out things we don’t know in certain spots - not creating features for features sake but geared to specific customers
  • MJ to add in more context on these roadmap items

(Running low on time at this point)

  • (Unable to get around on this call to voting and giving community members a way to give their preferences)

Stock Management Questions

  • Mary Jo: we have lots of open questions on stock management - not enough people that we can tap that have true experience with it - JSI folks very busy - calls only every 2 weeks - if we post these on listserv, not so much chatter
  • MJ: any input on how to get inputs on these in productive way?
  • MJ talks about some of the negative SoH questions (#31 on open questions) that need answers
  • MJ of the mind to capture data rather than enforce data integrity - distributed system and some may forget to enter data - allow to go negative, w/ a policy to come back end of day, as an example
  • MJ: what has the community seen out there in the field?
  • MJ: anyone have a good resource to follow up with, or have a strong opinion to get feedback on this sooner rather than later
  • Chris: contacts in Moz that could be up for helping out in the short term - also recommend raise the issue to the governance committee - try and see if we get some insights from them on possible ways to get contacts offline
  • Brian: agree to get some of this offline as well - reaching out to JSI teams and their countries will be important
  • Brian: also looking at their end are what are the policies for the negative stock balance, anything being written down for how they are supposed to be doing it for SOPs - best practices in industry as well and what they recommend in that mix for this negative SoH question - think it can happen but it needs to be rectified quickly
  • MJ: so question is around what policies do you put in place to rectify quickly - again, are there other people that we should reach out to
  • MJ: could reach out to other LMIS vendors but prefer SOPs
  • Gaurav: might be varying policies across countries, and need to consider whether needs to be a configurable aspect
  • MJ: good question, have same open question - trouble with this one is that countries don’t have an SOP on this unless automated system - but just a guess - if someone knows otherwise, let us know

Malawi Requests

  • Mary Jo talked about the Pick Work Sheet - demonstrates feature from Malawi - desire for screen showing all facilities and approved quantities at same time - if manage district, you can manage adjustments based on district budget, reflect back in requisition
  • MJ: we’ve created this new feature verification process - can follow up with her offline - please start looking at this to see if something we should work on or ask them to do it and contribute it back

Tenly Update

  • New website coming on board tomorrow (1st March)
  • Working with Carl from PATH to work on an external document on DHIS2 and our integrations and interoperability



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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software