Stock Management Sprints

Stock Management Sprints

This page collects sprint information for the Stock Management service work. This work has been started in 2017 by the ThoughtWorks staff based in China who have chosen the name Team Panda.

Panda Sprint 13

15/May/2017 - 27/May/2017


UAT and bug fixs


Panda Sprint 12

2/May/2017 - 12/May/2017


The main stories are:

Part one:

OLMIS-2360 [UI] Change Physical Inventory page layout to support lot feature

OLMIS-2362 Allow users to add lot for physical inventory

OLMIS-2211 Submit adjustment event

OLMIS-2366 View stock cards summary including lot stock cards

Part two:

OLMIS-2361 Change Adjustment page to support lot feature

OLMIS-2450 Allow users choosing a program to make receive/issue stock event

OLMIS-634 [UI] Perform ad hoc receipt

OLMIS-2363 Print stock card summary with lot information & OLMIS-2364 Print single stock card with lot information

Part three:

OLMIS-635 [UI] Perform ad hoc issue


Panda Sprint 11

17/Apr/2017 - 28/Apr/2017


The main stories are:

OLMIS-2098 [UI] View SOH summary (currently)

OLMIS-2358 [UI] Textbox for adjustment reason which supports free text

OLMIS-2094 Choose orderable page: adjustment

OLMIS-2359 [API] Modify the existing APIs to support lot data model

OLMIS-2339 Change stock event API to allow one stock event contains date and reason field

OLMIS-2097 [UI] View single stock card (currently)


Panda Sprint 10

5/Apr/2017 - 14/Apr/2017


The main stories are:

OLMIS-2150 Add new orderables from the approved product list during the physical inventory

OLMIS-2085 Create new reasons

OLMIS-2131 [UI] Save physical inventory draft

OLMIS-2252 Remove the physical inventory submission API and use the stock event submission API

OLMIS-2129 [UI] Submit physical inventory

OLMIS-2209 Create new adjustment page


Panda Sprint 9

20/Mar/2017 - 31/Mar/2017


The main stories are

OLMIS-2136 Performance tuning for physical inventory subimission


LMIS-2134  [API] Print SOH summary


OLMIS-2148  Create a new physical inventory


OLMIS-1947 Permission Management for stock management

OLMIS-2149 New physical inventory page


Panda Sprint 8

13/Mar/2017 - 17/Mar/2017


The main stories are

OLMIS-2092  SOH cannot be negative validation

LMIS-2130 [API] Save physical inventory draft

OLMIS-2132 [API] Print single stock card

OLMIS-2128 [API] Submit physical inventory  

OLMIS-2041 [Bug] The post-API of "/api/stockCardTemplates" allows user post a request with duplicate data



See the Sprint 8 Report, we change the one-week sprint to two-week sprint. Thus, the next sprint will be 31st March 2017.

Panda Sprint 7

6/Mar/2017 - 10/Mar/2017


The main stories are

OLMIS-629 [API] Configure Ad Hoc Receipt Reasons

OLMIS-633 [API] Configure valid sources for ad hoc receipts

OLMIS-632 [API] Configure valid destinations for ad hoc issues

OLMIS-1440 [API] Configure Adjustment Reasons for stock management



See the Sprint 7 Report, we moved some previous 'done' stories to this sprint for QA testing so the velocity chart might be impacted

Panda Sprint 6

27/Feb/2017 - 3/Mar/2017


The main stories are

OLMIS-2024 [API] View valid destination list for specific program and facility type

OLMIS-2025 [API] View valid reasons list assigned to specific program and facility type

OLMIS-2023 [API] View valid source list for specific program and facility type combination

Apart from above new stories, our QA also test some previous 'code-done' stories:

OLMIS-1949 Make the noticed date as the sever processing time instead of front end created event time
OLMIS-1861 Create the 'Balance_adjustment' type reason for physical inventory
OLMIS-1863 Only the program ID, Facility ID and orderable ID combination can create a stock card



See the Sprint 6 Report, we moved some previous 'done' stories to this sprint for QA testing so the velocity chart might be impacted

Panda Sprint 5

20/Feb/2017 - 24/Feb/2017


The main stories are

OLMIS-1633: [API] Validate stock events

OLMIS-18: [API] View current Stock on hand by Facility/Program



See the Sprint 5 Report

Panda Sprint 4

12/Feb/2017 - 17/Feb/2017


The main story is OLMIS-625: [API] View current electronic stock card for a product.


Video: 2017-02-17 08.31 Stock Management Showcase Meeting.mp4

See the Sprint 4 Report

Panda Sprint 3

21/Jan/2017 - 11/Feb/2017


Design of an event mechanism for stock management (OLMIS-1714). Continuing work on the list of reasons (OLMIS-1629 and OLMIS-1630).


Video: 2017-02-10 08.29 Stock Management Showcase Meeting.mp4

See the Sprint 3 Report

Panda Sprint 2

12/Jan/2017 - 19/Jan/2017


Configure list of stock movement reasons (OLMIS-1629) was the main priority. The team also chose 3 other tickets about validations, docs, and service versions.



Part 1: Part1-OpenLMIS Stock Management Showcase-20170120 0035-2.arf

Part 2: Part2-OpenLMIS Stock Management Showcase-20170119.mp4

Screensharing delays caused us to switch from WebEx to GoToMeeting during the middle of the meeting. Apologies for the 2-part showcase recording.

A number of tickets got to In Review during this sprint, but none were totally finished during the sprint. See the Sprint 2 Report.

Panda Sprint 1

5/Jan/2017 - 12/Jan/2017


Get work underway, create a stock management service codebase, work on the first ticket (OLMIS-706).


Video: OpenLMIS Stock Management Showcase-20170113 0028-1.arf

See the Sprint 1 Report

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