Sprint 16

Sprint 16

21 Dec. 2016 - 4 Jan 2017


see Backlog Grooming Sprint 16

Process Improvements

Team ILL Sprint 15 retrospective:

1) Onboarding: wiki page in the Tech Debt. Ben to do this

2) Office hours: component leads to determine with teams.

3) Documentation: documentation is part of the showcase going forward. Do it.




Because this sprint stretched over the holidays, we had predicted accomplishing about 30% of what we do in a usual 2-week sprint. In the end, we accomplished 64 story points, with lots of that being clean-up work. See Burn-up for 3.0 Release for details.


Video: I forgot to start the recording. (My apologies. -Brandon)

The following 19 tickets, not including their sub-tasks, were completed this sprint and covered at the showcase:

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software