Short-term OpenLMIS Global Priorities (GOV)

Description: Scope down the long-term roadmap. Identify development priorities and any country-specific work in progress that need support within the next year. What resources should be developed as we work on the roadmap?

Leads: Kevin

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Rapporteur/Notetaker: Sandy Hawley and Kevin Cussen

Notes from Session:

Current Implementation Stories:

  • CHAI (was offline) modular stockout API and Android mobile app
  • MOZ- facility tool extension allows data collection at facility; there are (2) projects
    • SELV (vaccines)/EPI
    • facility tool 
  • Best Practices: Product at a community level doesn't need to support workarounds (MOZ batch management)
    • this is something we struggle with across sectors- what is a BP? What are the KPI?
    • could we establish what we believe is the BP we could put forth to global?
    • medical informatics has done this well- establishing standards
    • what is the reference for BPs going forward? 
  • JSI
    • tying OpenLMIS with DHIS2 data as part of a larger group including VillageReach and Dimagi
    • connecting Commcare supply and DHIS2
    • not a generic way to integrate DHIS2
    • limited scope to develop dashboard, but could be expanded for other programs 
    • need to document lessons learned (this is happening in Spring)
  • Tanzania- need to get input from Ashraf
  • Integration- FTP interface at central file- order file, shipment file
  • VAN work in Tanzania 2016 (possible)
    • adds functionality to eLMIS- enhancement of supply chain lower down
  • How do we make this less complex? i.e. If these are the data elements you need, these are the tools that will gather that for you...
    • eLMIS is most basic source of data (quality, on time)- how do we keep that the focus of the eLMIS and not confuse by "control tower"?
    • (SEE WHITEPAPER) 20% tech 80% non tech
  • JSI Malawi and VillageReach- conversations about implementing eLMIS; replacement of Supply Chain Manager
    • They want offline R&R
  • eLMIS is integrating with mSupply in Zanzibar end of year 

Roadmap wish list

  • understand what ERPs are (MAX?) 

Marketing and Communications "There's more to the Core" - Sandy Hawley 

Marcomm support business objectives - lets explore that

  • There are cases where private sector has approached organizations to see how their products are being used and where (i.e. Pfizer). They may also want to incorporate a module into OpenLMIS to suit their needs. 
  • Private sector may want to aggregate data from many OpenLMIS implementations. 
  • Are their concerns about someone taking OpenLMIS, making changes and selling it? Somewhat. 
  • We could see SAP trying to come down to the OpenLMIS level
  • Donors need to get on the same page about funding a solution rather than having projects at cross purposes. UNICEF and WHO don’t talk to each other. The World Bank especially invests at cross purposes
  • It’s an option, not a given.

Who is our audience? What do these stakeholders care about at the end of the day? 

  • Implementers
  • Donors
  • Private Sector
  • MOH/Country Reps

Tactically, what can the community provide to support stakeholder's business objectives

  • Why not develop community-centered messaging rather than organization specific OpenLMIS messaging. One idea is a "Roadshow"  This is a great idea!
  • At USAID it’s more word of mouth than printed material. 
  • From TW, the questions tend to revolve around technology. Blurbs about specific cases are helpful - more so than say, a long feature guide. Implementers might only need a specific piece/part of the document/messaging. It's specific to country/audience. Demo videos are helpful. Make it feel like it’s in use and a real thing “tangible”. Incorporate the “open source” message well as it’s a strong motivation. TW is fine with using non-TW branded technology b/c it’s in the best interest of the customer and TW has expertise around it. 

Branding and Awareness?

  • How do we work together to get the word out? Do we have motivation and interest in branding/community governance to elevate the community objective?
  • When do we collaborate, when do we compete?
  • Do we need OpenLMIS branded items or just content?
    • Non-branded as a platform works well - then implementers compete on implementation abilities.
    • OpenLMIS branded community, individually branded implementations.
  • How do we drive a process for implementation success stories?
  • Decided that integrations would not be branded as OpenLMIS unless we got together with that partner and agreed to it (i.e. OpenLMIS Community and Dimagi).
  • We have 5 countries implemented. That’s a lot of stories of success. Perhaps we can put together vignettes about these for the community. What do we even call the product?
  • Collateral should have functionality, where it’s in place
  • What are the 5 things that make you glow about this product? Everyone should make this list and then we consolidate for the community. Different use cases, value proposition.

Governance and Decision Making

  • How do we establish a core group from the organizations present? Why don’t we have a steering committee? It’s all part of the growth process. 
    • Resources: At present we aren’t mature enough for people to be pulled out of their day jobs - but we’re growing towards that place. 
  • Difficulty is getting the health side to appreciate data. How do we approach them? Historically this has been the responsibility of the country implementer, not the community.
  • The community would be responsible in making the system easy to use i.e. automatic R&R. We need to incentivize the users. 
  • Who is in the marketing group? 
    • JSI would contribute a technical and marketing person, for TW it would depend on what they are contributing to.















OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software