Order and Shipment files

Order and Shipment files

Many aspects of the features/workflows on this page do not reflect what is currently implemented in OpenLMIS 3.



The following diagram depicts the activities associated with creating an order from an approved requisition (converting a requisition to an order) from the user's perspective.

Use Case 1: happy path - send an order file via FTP transfer with only one warehouse available for external fulfillment

Use Case 2: happy path - send an order file via FTP transfer when multiple warehouses are available for external fulfillment

Use Case 3: edge case - print out an order file to send manually for external fulfillment

Order file

Order File format

Order NumberOrder Number
Facility CodeFacility Code
Product CodeProduct Code
Quantity OrderedQuantity Ordered
Pack SizePack Size

Order file Name

Order file is generate with name ‘O’ + order number.csv


  1. One order file generated per Requisition
  2. Quantity Ordered = Packs to ship
  3. Any product with Quantity Ordered as zero is excluded from the file
  4. If Quantity Ordered for all product in an order is zero no file is generated

Still to play

  1. Genarting order file and placing it on configured FTP server
  2. Logic to place file as per supplying depot

Shipment file

Shipment File format

Order NumberOrder NumberY
Product CodeProduct CodeY
Quantity ShippedQuantity ShippedY

Shipment file Name

Any file with .csv extension is Picked up for processing from configured folder


  1. One Shipment file can accept multiple orders
  2. If any order has error, complete file is errored out
  3. Any other columns in shipment file are ignored
  4. Mandatory fields required for success processing
  5. Valid Order number, Product code is checked
  6. Quantity Shipped – If decimal,is trimmed to Integer and accepted
  7. File with duplicate entry of order number and product code combination – Accept the last entry

Architecture and User flow

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