Order and Shipment files
Many aspects of the features/workflows on this page do not reflect what is currently implemented in OpenLMIS 3.
The following diagram depicts the activities associated with creating an order from an approved requisition (converting a requisition to an order) from the user's perspective.
Use Case 1: happy path - send an order file via FTP transfer with only one warehouse available for external fulfillment
Use Case 2: happy path - send an order file via FTP transfer when multiple warehouses are available for external fulfillment
Use Case 3: edge case - print out an order file to send manually for external fulfillment
Order file
Order File format
Fields | Labels |
Order Number | Order Number |
Facility Code | Facility Code |
Product Code | Product Code |
Quantity Ordered | Quantity Ordered |
Pack Size | Pack Size |
Order file Name
Order file is generate with name ‘O’ + order number.csv
- One order file generated per Requisition
- Quantity Ordered = Packs to ship
- Any product with Quantity Ordered as zero is excluded from the file
- If Quantity Ordered for all product in an order is zero no file is generated
Still to play
- Genarting order file and placing it on configured FTP server
- Logic to place file as per supplying depot
Shipment file
Shipment File format
Fields | Labels | Mandatory? |
Order Number | Order Number | Y |
Product Code | Product Code | Y |
Quantity Shipped | Quantity Shipped | Y |
Shipment file Name
Any file with .csv extension is Picked up for processing from configured folder
- One Shipment file can accept multiple orders
- If any order has error, complete file is errored out
- Any other columns in shipment file are ignored
- Mandatory fields required for success processing
- Valid Order number, Product code is checked
- Quantity Shipped – If decimal,is trimmed to Integer and accepted
- File with duplicate entry of order number and product code combination – Accept the last entry