Requisition - Convert requisition to order

Requisition - Convert requisition to order

Target release3.4
Epic OLMIS-4864 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Document status
eLMIS StatusImplemented, customized
OpenLMIS StatusPartially Implemented
PATH Jenny Thompson (Unlicensed)
OpenLMIS Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
JSI Ashraf


Requisitions need to be sent to the right supplying depot managed externally (MSD or another entity). The goal of this epic is to build in retry logic for the FTP, configure the order file template and allow for some approved requisitions to "release" without generating an order for fulfillment.

Status in eLMIS: Customized in eLMIS.

Status in OpenLMIS: Partially Implemented

Priority: High priority for Tanzania


R&R can be sent to different supplying depots managed by MSD. Different depots are responsible for different regions. R&R converts to order and send to respective Depot. The display list of R&R also needs to be filtered. The default of displaying the entire list become unwieldy since over time the list grows quite long and rendering a long list takes too much time.

Order No field is also a custom format. Order Number needs to be configurable through the admin interface, as number format encodes types of R&R (regular, emergency) as well as sequence of the order number.

The “order file” screen shot shows more options to configure the order file than are available in V3, which has the ability to configure the order file with the following fields:

  • Order Number

  • Facility Code

  • Product Code

  • Quantity Ordered

  • Pack Size

Converted orders are sent through order file in CSV format. Data elements, order of data, and data types are shown below. Some of the data elements are added to conform to what EPICOR 9, the ERP system run at MSD that imports this Order file as a purchase order, expects. For example Price, Campaign, EventPlant, TermCode, PriceList columns were added to comply with EPICOR requirements.

When MSD is supposed to send back the Shipment info in the form of Shipment file, containing the specifics of Pick-n-Pack operation including the specifics about product, quantity, batch etc., info, this Order number needs to be included as a reference so that eLMIS can link the shipment back to the originating order file sent to EPICOR.


User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1Set permissions

As a user, I need to be able to have a filtering mechanism that is driven by the user permission level so that

Tanzania eLMIS interfaceMust haveFor example, the “Supplying Depot” should show only the Depots this user is granted permission for.
2Apply filters to view R&Rs

As a user, I need to be able to apply filters to get a list of the R&R on the page based on the filters applied so that

Tanzania eLMIS interfaceMust have
3Resend failed FTP through order screenAs a user, I need to be able to resend of a failed FTP though the interface on the order list screen(s) so that Tanzania eLMIS interface
Nice to haveThis is an enhancement request.
4Configure order fileAs an administrator, I need to be able to configure the order file to include or exclude so that the receiving system can import the purchase order.Tanzania eLMIS interfaceMust have
5Release without an order

As a user, I need to release the requisition without converting it to an order.


Data elements, order of data, and data types are shown below. 

In the above example, Plant and Company codes are what EPICOR expects. Plant represent the regional MSD depots.



Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


For Tanzania user stories: review/add the users, "so thats" , r and the priority level.

2Does this need to be added as a user story: "As an administrator, I need to be able to configure filtering option permissions" or is this in V3?


Out of Scope

Gap Estimation Notes 4/11/2018

  • Attendees: Mary Jo, Elias, Muhammad, Peter, Brandon
  • User Story #1 and #2
    • The filtering exists in OpenLMIS v3 on the "View Orders" screen, but with a different User Interface. The "Convert to Orders" filter also already exists, but with a different UI.
    • Elias: It is possible that OpenLMIS v3 already satisfied user story 1 and 2.
    • The Convert to Order screen done by core team for OpenLMIS version 3 has some unusual/confusing permissions.
    • Mary Jo: We would like Elias Muluneh to review version 3 to see if that will work.
  • User Story #3:
    • Elias: Currently, the user manually downloads the file and tries to upload it/FTP it manually.
    • The desired feature is a Retry button the user could push.
    • Peter: It would be great to add an automatic retry based on the HTTP code.
  • Splitting requisitions into orders from multiple suppliers

Q&A with Chongsun and Nikodem recording here: 


Audio only: 

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