Reporting - Stock Imbalance Report

Reporting - Stock Imbalance Report

Target release
EpicReporting - Stock Imbalance
Document status
eLMIS StatusImplemented
OpenLMIS StatusNot Implemented
OpenLMIS Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
JSI Ashraf


The stock imbalances report by facility shows lists of facilities that are stocked out, over stocked, under stocked; and to identify products which facilities have left out of the R&R which they should have included.

Status in eLMIS: In eLMIS

Status in OpenLMISNot implemented within OpenLMIS, can be created in Tableau 

Priority: High priority


The stock imbalance report shows lists of facilities and product combinations.


  • Only counts from regular requisitions (emergency should be incorporated into regular) 
  • As the reports are being used, there is a shift to wanting notifications to alert people to the situation rather than requirement to look for that information
  • Different users will want to see these things differently - also want to reduce the number of reports
  • WHEN do people use this - it is retrospectively, different users will look at different times throughout the month/period

For each it shows:

  • the average monthly consumption
  • the closing balance
  • the closing balance in terms of months of supply
  • the ordered quantity.  
  • A status of “stock out” (0), “under stock” (months of supply < 3), adequately stocked (MOS 3-6), over stocked (MOS > 6) and unknown (AMC=0).  


  • program

  • period (which can be an A / B / C quarter period)

  • stock status filter (all, or one or more statuses)

  • geographic filter which can be entire country or a subset

  • facility type filter (optional)

  • facility filter (optional)

  • product category filter (optional) - eg antibiotics, antimalarials etc - simpler way to shorten the report

  • product filter (optional) 


User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1See under and overstocked levels at facilitiesAs a logistic officer I need to have data on overstocked and understocked facilities so that I can decide on re-distributions of products to ensure they are not out of stock at facilities.Tanzania eLMIS report

Must have

2Identify missing products on R&R for facilitiesAs a logistic officer I need to identify products which facilities have left out of the R&R which they should have included so that products are not out of stock in facilities.Tanzania eLMIS reportMust haveordered quantity on the report
3Export reports to ExcelAs a logistic Officer I need to be able to export all reports and analysis reporting results into Excel so that I can process the data more and analyze it in Excel.Tanzania eLMIS reportsMust have
4Print reports with headings and logsAs a logistic officer I need to be able to print reports with customized headings and logos so that I can file a report for future reference.Tanzania eLMIS reportsMust have




Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1For Tanzania user stories: review the users, "so thats" added, review the label, and review the priority level.

Out of Scope

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