Requisition - Non-ordering Satellite Facilities

Requisition - Non-ordering Satellite Facilities

Target release
EpicNon-ordering facilities
Document status
eLMIS StatusNot Implemented
OpenLMIS StatusNot Implemented
PATH Jenny Thompson (Unlicensed)
OpenLMIS Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
JSI Ashraf Alpha Nsaghurwe (Unlicensed)


A proposed feature is for non-ordering satellite facilities to submit monthly R&Rs into OpenLMIS and for these R&Rs to be aggregated into the ordering facility’s quarterly  R&R together with the ordering facility’s own data.  This would enable visibility not only in the relationship between MSD and the ordering facilities, but also in the relationship between the ordering facilities and the non-ordering satellite facilities, thereby allowing identification of any bottlenecks or problems  in reporting by non-ordering satellite facilities.  It would also ease administrative burden at ordering facilities through automation of calculations.  The feature may be used particularly useful in cases where the ordering facility has direct access to OpenLMIS.

Status in eLMIS: Not in eLMIS

Status in OpenLMIS: Not in OpenLMIS, but linked in with future “local fulfillment” functionality?

Priority: Low priority


In Tanzania, there are both “ordering facilities” and “non-ordering satellite facilities” (see descriptions of each below).  The ordering facilities order directly from MSD, and the non-ordering satellite facilities order through the ordering facilities.  While ordering facilities submit R&Rs quarterly to MSD, non-ordering satellite facilities submit R&Rs monthly to their mother ordering facility.  Currently eLMIS and OpenLMIS deal only with the ordering process from the ordering facilities, and not the non-ordering satellite facilities.  From MSD’s perspective, an ordering facility and it’s non-ordering satellite facilities are in effect one facility submitting one combined R&R.  Similarly deliveries by MSD are to ordering facilities and the supplies are then passed on to non-ordering satellite facilities.

Non-ordering satellite facilities are not registered in eLMIS, but communicate via paper forms and other methods with their “mother” ordering facilities (often monthly).  The ordering facility submits combined quarterly requisitions as if the ordering facility and its satellite facilities were all one facility.

Ordering facilities prepare routine report and requisitions (R&Rs) on a quarterly basis, and may also prepare emergency R&Rs if stock levels fall below minimum levels covering the quarter-to-date.  Some facilities (mostly hospitals, and all Dar es Salaam ordering facilities) have access to eLMIS and enter their R&Rs directly.  Different eLMIS users in different parts of the hospital such as HIV and TB clinics and the laboratory, may each be responsible for entering different program R&Rs, with the medical director of the hospital then logging in to authorise the R&Rs in the system.  Smaller ordering health facilities send paper R&Rs to the district level where the district pharmacist or laboratory technologist enters them into eLMIS.  In these cases, the date the facility submitted the paper R&R is not recorded in the system, only the date it was entered in eLMIS.  When a facility R&R is authorized, a notification by email is sent to the relevant approvers.


User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1Aggregate non-ordering satellite data into quarterly R&RAs an ordering facility user, I want non-ordering satellite facilities monthly R&Rs aggregated into my quarterly R&R so that there is clear visibility to the relationship between the ordering facilities and the non-ordering satellite facilities and so I can identify bottlenecks or problems  in reporting by non-ordering satellite facilities. eLMIS TanzaniaNice to havet would also ease administrative burden at ordering facilities through automation of calculations.  The feature may be used particularly useful in cases where the ordering facility has direct access to OpenLMIS.
2Configure satellite facilitiesAs an administrators I want to configure OpenLMIS to set up satellite facilities as well as ordering facilities and link each satellite facility with its mother ordering facility so that I can update satellite facilities stock status to the mother site during ordering periodeLMIS TanzaniaNice to have
3Submit monthly satellite facility R&RAs a non-ordering satellite facility user, I want to submit monthly R&Rs into OpenLMIS (either on paper which is then entered by their ordering facility, or directly).eLMIS TanzaniaNice to have
5Enter mother-facility only R&R independentlyOrdering facilities wish to enter a mother-facility-only R&R which covers only their own data on stocks and consumption etc, with the data for their satellite facilities stocks and consumption etc being added in to produce the ordering facility’s full R&R (see notes) so that I can manually update the mother site R&R details and raise a requisitioneLMIS TanzaniaNice to have because Mother site can use regular R&R workflow for requisition
  • Full R&R consumption/receipts/adjustments for quarter = quarter consumption/receipts/adjustments for mother facility plus sum of each of the three monthly consumptions/ receipts/ adjustments figures of satellite facilities

  • Full R&R beginning balance = quarter beginning balance for mother facility + first month beginning balance of satellite facilities

  • Full R&R ending balance = quarter ending balance for mother facility + third month ending balance for satellite facilities




Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1For Tanzania user stories: review the users, "so thats" added, review the label, and review the priority level.

Out of Scope

Gap Estimation Notes 4/12/2018

  • Attendees: Mary Jo, Brandon, Josh
  • Could this be done by "passing" the satellite requisition along with or attached to the main requisition? (Rather than doing an aggregate requisition that adds all the numbers together.)

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