Requisition - Product display order
Ability to control how a product is displayed on R&R form. Typical R&R contains categories are subcategories and products are displayed under such sections. A specific product can be under one category in one R&R and under another in a different R&R. Similarly, a product can be a full supply product in program and a non-full supply in another program.
Status in eLMIS: Implemented.
Status in OpenLMIS: Implemented but not available via UI (only csv upload)
Priority: High priority for Tanzania, Zanzibar, Zambia
Product attributes needs to be settable in such as way that it's display on different R&R forms can be controlled.
Printed R&R forms are available to show how a product needs to be configured to mimic paper forms on the on-line data entry screens
User Stories
# | Title | User Story | Label | Importance | Notes | JIRA Tickets |
1 | R&R form | As an administrator I want to be able to configure products under specific categories so that it mimic paper R&R forms. | R&R form | Must have | See eLMIS screenshot below | |
2 | Product form | As an administrator I want to be able to set product attributes to control how they appear on the R&R form | Product form | Must have | See eLMIS screenshot below | |
Description | Link |
Open Questions
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
# | Question | Outcome | Status |
1 |
Out of Scope
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