Reporting - New Reports

Reporting - New Reports

Target release
EpicReporting - New
Document status
eLMIS StatusNot implemented
OpenLMIS StatusNot implemented
PATH Jenny Thompson (Unlicensed)
OpenLMIS Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
JSI Ashraf


Status in eLMIS: Not in eLMIS

Status in OpenLMISNot implemented 

Priority: Medium


This section outlines features which are not in the current eLMIS, but have been highlighted by users as needed.

Trends over time:  Currently eLMIS requires the user to select one individual period to produce most reports and analysis, and does not show multiple periods in the same data sets.  While there is one small graph feature showing some data over four quarters of one year, there is need for more comprehensive trend analysis features.  

Multiple programs: Analysis features which contain data from multiple programs in the same data set do not currently exist.  At the moment users can only see the data for one program at a time.

Treatment of the emergency order data during analysis:  If an emergency order covers a period 1st April to 25th May, and later a routine R&R is submitted for 1st April to 30th June, this currently sometimes leads to double counting in some of the eLMIS analysis.  The 1st April to 30th June data currently does not override the 1st April to 25th May submission earlier on the emergency R&R.  

Parameter section user friendliness: The parameter selection for analysis is currently not user friendly, including that it's unclear when the analysis output had refreshed and when a required but blank parameter meant that the analysis has not refreshed yet.


User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1Trends over time

As a report user, I want to be able to see trends over time so that I can compare and analyze these and this can inform decision-making.

Tanzania ReportsMust have
  • Currently eLMIS requires the user to select one individual period to produce most reports and analysis, and does not show multiple periods in the same data sets.  While there is one small graph feature showing some data over four quarters of one year, there is need for more comprehensive trend analysis features.  Trends which are highlighted by users as useful to analyse include:

    -          Trends in stocks, in absolute numbers and in terms of months of supply

    -          Trends in reporting performance and timeliness

    -          Trends in consumption  data (expressed as average monthly consumption)

Multiple Programs

As a report user, I need analysis features which contain data from multiple programs in the same data, including analysis of reporting timeliness across programs, so that I can see the data for more than one program at a time to identify issues and take action.

Tanzania reportsMust have

Treatment of the emergency order data during analysis

As an R&R submitter I want emergency order submissions to be overwritten by routine R&Rs covering the same period so that there is not double counting.

Tanzania reportsMust have

Emergency R&Rs covering transitions from one schedule (eg “schedule A” Jan-Mar) to another schedule (eg “schedule B” Feb-Apr) do need to be included in data analysis.

Parameter section user friendlinessAs a user of analysis features, I want the parameter selection for analysis to be more user friendly so that its clear when the analysis output has refreshed and when a required but blank parameter meant that the analysis has not refreshed yet.Tanzania reportingNice to have




Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1For Tanzania user stories: review the users, "so thats" added, review the label, and review the priority level.

Out of Scope

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