Equipment Module

Equipment Module

Target release
Document status
eLMIS StatusImplemented, not in use
OpenLMIS StatusNot implemented
OpenLMIS Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)
JSI Alpha Nsaghurwe (Unlicensed)


To manage inventory of equipment and maintenance of equipment and act as a communications interface between health facilities, private maintenance service contractors, and Ministry of Health equipment staff about equipment functional status and maintenance.  This includes laboratory equipment and other equipment, such as fridges.

Status in eLMIS: In eLMIS, not in use

Status in OpenLMIS: Not in OpenLMIS. However pieces of this functionality will be build with the featureset of CCE catalog and inventory management.

Priority: High priority generally, but could be in a separate system rather than in OpenLMIS


eLMIS has an equipment module which is not in OpenLMIS.  It is developed in eLMIS, but not yet in use.  The diagnostics unit of the Ministry of Health, as well as CHAI, have been involved in defining requirements for this module. There is a PowerPoint of screen shots available.  While this module is not directly linked with the core commodity supply focus of eLMIS, the supply of and use of laboratory reagents is dependent on whether  laboratory equipment is available and operational.

Roles in Tanzania:

A combination of Ministry of Health zonal equipment workshop officials and private sector service contractors are responsible for assisting health facilities and districts with equipment maintenance.

  • Ministry of Health officials perform regular assessments and check ups.  
  • Service contractors may also perform regular servicing as well as repairs.  
  • Equipment vendors typically employ the service contractors and provide the servicing as part of their warranties


User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1Configure equipment values

As an administrator I want to configure lists of values that can be associated to equipment including:

  • broad equipment types (eg lab, eMONC etc)

  • specific equipment sub-types (eg CD4 counter)

  • service types (eg cleanup, change oil, change chemical etc)

so that these are available for selection by other users when entering equipment.

Tanzania equipmentMust have
2Set up of vendors, service contracts and donors

As an administrator I want to configure vendors and service contractors: companies with their contact details, geographic coverage and specialty. 

Tanzania equipmentMust have

Geographic coverage and specialty are currently free text, but may be useful to model this in other ways. 

Companies can be a vendor or a service contractor or both. In the current version of the module there is no distinction between vendors and service contractors, but they should be separate entities, with some entities being both vendor and service contractors and others being one or the other.

Set up of service contract users

As an administrator I want to associate service contractors with users (staff of the service contractor) and give these users login access to the system so that they can respond to maintenance requests in the system.

Tanzania equipmentMust have
3Enter service contracts

As an administrator I want to set up service contracts with geographic coverage and start and end dates so that service contracts can be entered in the system.

Tanzania equipmentMust have

Each contract has a service contractor.  Geographic coverage is currently free text, this could be modeled differently. Each contract can cover the equipment of multiple vendors, can have multiple service types, be for multiple equipment sub-types and cover multiple health facilities.  Currently the interface requires ticking each facility separately - this could be improved.

3Configure donors

As an administrator I want to set up lists of donors so that users can run a report which show equipment status by donors

Tanzania equipmentMust have
4Enter individual pieces of equipmentNational-level staff want to enter equipment when it is procured or imported so that pieces of equipment can be tracked over time.Tanzania equipmentMust have

Each piece of equipment has:

  • an equipment sub-type
  • manufacturer
  • model
  • serial number
  • purchase price
  • primary source of fund (free text)
  • donor (drop down list)
  • an energy source (free text eg electricity / gas)
  • It can have an expected decommission date
5Link equipment to a facility with install date

As a national/district/facility-level staff I want to link pieces of equipment to the health facilities where they are located and the year of installation at that facility so that the pieces of equipment can be tracked over time.

Tanzania equipmentMust haveStatus updates should include dates.
6Track status of equipment

As a national/district/facility-level staff I want to update the status of equipment - including operational status (eg fully operational), whether active or decommissioned, “replacement recommended” with a reason so that the pieces of equipment can be tracked over time.

Tanzania equipmentMust haveStatus updates should include dates.
7Log MOH assessments

As a national/district/facility-level staff I want to record assessments by Ministry of Health officials and dates of assessments so that the pieces of equipment can be tracked over time.

Tanzania equipmentMust haveStatus updates should include dates.


Submit equipment maintenance request

As a facility user I want to request maintenance of a specific piece of equipment so that these can be managed and tracked in the system

Tanzania equipmentMust haveThey can select the service contractor, give reason for requesting maintenance, and specify a recommended maintenance visit date.
9Respond to maintenance requestAs a service contractor I want to respond to maintenance requests assigned to me so that these can be managed and tracked in the system. Tanzania equipmentMust haveThey will record text about the service performed and recommend a “next service date”.


See PDF and screen shots below.



Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1Add PowerPoint slides with screenshots referenced in the background in the Tanzania gap analysis document.Added to diagrams section.Closed
2For Tanzania user stories: review the "so thats" added, review the label, and review the priority level.

3Do we know why it isn't being used in eLMIS? Do we have any user feedback or key challenges faced? Would be useful to understand the why so we can take that into account.

Out of Scope

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