[VIMS/VLMIS] CCE : add/edit/search/transfer
Insufficient, outdated and broken cold chain equipment are often cited as major problems affecting routine immunization efforts during country immunization program reviews and supervisory visits. There is a need to support enhancing the existing web-LMIS to include a detailed module for managing cold chain data for vaccines in vLMIS. The scope of this module is to make it possible to track the cold-chain inventory and use. This module will be capable of entering new cold chain assets based on their asset types. Each month, along with other logistics data, users will update the operational status of their cold chain assets.
Out of Scope (covered by other epics)
- Status update
- permission setting
- create catalog
Cold chain equipment management begins with IVD selecting cold chain equipment based on the WHO/UNICEF PQS/PIS catalogue/website. IVD needs to set the Cold Chain equipment parameters by brand and model in use in Tanzania immunisation system. IVD initiates the process by allocating the procure equipment to the Region and respective districts. The allocation is based on the cold chain capacity gaps delivered from the system. The district personnel is responsible for allocating equipment to their specific health facilities as per capacity gap.
The process should then continue to allow users of the cold chain equipment to edit, add or remove cold chain equipment and its functionality status. Involvement of Partners such as WHO and UNICEF in the finalisation process, validation of reporting requirements and for follow-up procurement and program level decisions.
The cold chain system in Pakistan needs to be upgraded at all levels, with particular attention to provincial level and below. Design standards that emphasize operational and energy efficiency should be developed for national, provincial, and district cold stores so that investments in upgrades contribute to optimized storage procedures, reduced energy consumption and cost containment. Upgrades must also include back up power systems; if generators are included, adequate long-term budget support is required for fuel. At lower levels, solar ice liners refrigerators (ILRs) should be based on the newest sustainable technology (solar chill) for areas with high incidence of power interruptions. Any new equipment investment must also include training for technical staff on maintaining and repairing new technology, and additional technical staff should be trained and posted at both provincial and district level to meet demand. Where possible, purpose built vehicles for the maintenance and repair of cold chain equipment should be procured and stocked with spare parts to improve efficiency of available technical staff.
Cold chain module should include the following features so that the capacity of National Immunization Programs is strengthened and every individual can benefit from vaccines of assured quality delivered in the right amount at the right time through efficient logistics, proper vaccine management, and a well-functioning cold chain system. The proposed requirements are:
- Management information system capable of collecting cold chain asset data, its capacity and working status so that adequate number of vaccines are stored for every immunization session.
- Cold chain asset status is provided on monthly basis so that vaccine wastage is minimized without affecting coverage and New vaccine introduction is not constrained by lack of storage/transport capacity
- cold chain inventory control system to ensure proper management and distribution of cold chain supplies
- Storage and warehouses to have adequate capacity of cold chain assets to ensure vaccine shelf life.
All users are expected to know how to use basic Internet tools.
- Equipment catalog is already created
- User of this function are assigned appropriate role
User Stories
Title | User Story | Label | Importance | Notes | |
1 | Add CCE to Inventory | As a cold chain manager (National, RIVO, or DIVO) I want to deploy a piece of cold chain equipment to a site and record it in VIMS So that we know what equipment is deployed at each location Acceptance Criteria
| VIMS,VLMIS | Must Have | |
2 | Edit Inventory Details | As a National Cold Chain Manager, RIVO, or DIVO I want to edit the details of equipment that is in my inventory So that the details for all equipment are correct Acceptance Criteria
| VIMS,VLMIS | Must Have | |
3 | Search Inventory | As a National Cold Chain Manager, RIVO, or DIVO I want to search the details of equipment that is in my inventory Acceptance Criteria Search by the following attributes
| VIMS,VLMIS | Must Have | Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed) Muhammad Ahmed (Unlicensed) Why were all these search criteria needed? (First screenshot) VIMS implemented both own facility as well facilities managed by DIVO/RIVO |
4 | View Inventory | As an EPI Manager I would like to view my current cold chain inventory so that I can see which refrigerators need repair, and better plan replacements, see breakdowns by type and unit, and estimate additional volume for new vaccine introductions. Acceptance Criteria
| VIMS,VLMIS | Must Have | Ashraf Islam (Unlicensed) Muhammad Ahmed (Unlicensed) Is there a screenshot for this? Interested to see how the estimate addtl volume piece works. Or was this on the backlog for VIMS? Is this screenshot (copied from above) referring to this View Inventory story instead? Please find additional screen shots which show other factors such as replacement plan, repair management along with storage capacity and view inventory. |
5 | Transfer inventory | As RVI/DIVO/National, I should able to transfer assets to other facilities. Acceptance Criteria
| VIMS,VLMIS | Must Have | This historical record piece is a great feature and we need to discuss further. Need to understand exactly why this is important to have, because at the moment it seems that it is not necessary for an MVP. |
6 |
Covered in story 4 above, Acceptance criteria #2.
| Nice to Have |
Availability of internet, well maintained warehouse / stores
Description | Link |
Open Questions
- As a DIVO, I would like to see the cold chain utilization for my facilities... so that I do not send to much stock that exceeds the net volume for the refrigerator.
- As a DIVO, I would like to have a list of the serial numbers of my refrigerators… so that I can better track the assets that I am managing.
- As a DIVO, I would like to mark a refrigerator for decommissioning and then later specify the date when it was decommissioned… so that I can follow the policy and process I use for removing an equipment asset.
- create a spreadsheet in Excel that will be used for the catalog upload The spreadsheet should include all column headers and have at least 10 rows of data in it, including a mix of equipment that is in the PQS catalog and obsolete equipment still in use in TZ.
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
# | Question | Outcome | Status |
1 |
Out of Scope
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