[SELV/SIIL] CCE: Input daily temperature of the CCE

[SELV/SIIL] CCE: Input daily temperature of the CCE

Target releaseVaccine Module
EpicCCE Domain
Document status


Document owner
Vidya Sampath
Technical Lead


  • Vaccines are completely reliant on a properly functioning CCE in order to remain potent and safe to use.

  • OpenLMIS should be able to capture the daily temperature status of CCE from multiple source paths: (1) directly by looking at the thermometer on the CCE and logging this in OpenLMIS; (2) referencing a paper-based daily temperature log maintained at that location as per EPI policy; (3) referencing the log on the fridge tag device (an electronic device that stores temperature history of the CCE); and (4) receive temperature data from an RTM system via an API (interoperability considerations)

  • This information is then used to: 1) determine which locations can store vaccines and which cannot; 2) plan for which locations need maintenance work; 3) plan for which locations need replacement of equipment.

  • Finally, based on the data that gets entered into the system, notifications/updates to specific personas (upstream store managers, maintenance technicians and managers, facility staff) should be possible when temperature goes below or above the acceptable range of 2-8 degrees Celsius..


Personas needing this functionality:

  • Health worker at a facility
  • Logistician visiting a facility with distribution order
  • Storage manager preparing an order for pickup or distribution
  • CCE maintenance technician who has to fix CCE
  • CCE maintenance coordinator who has to plan repair schedules
  • EPI policy manager who has to determine which CCE to replace and what type of CCE to order


User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1Input Daily temperature manually

As a HW or logistician at a facility, I want to input the temperature of the facility CCE by opening the CCE and looking at its temperature so that:

  • Upstream SC personnel are aware of its performance so that they can prepare the resupply order for pick-up or delivery
  • Upstream CCE maintenance personnel are aware of its performance so that they can plan for repairs or replacement

2Input Daily temperature by referencing paper-based log or fridge tags

As a HW or logistician at a facility, I want to input the temperature of the facility CCE twice a day by by referencing the paper-based temperature log or the fridge tags so that:

  • Upstream SC personnel are aware of its performance so that they can prepare the resupply order for pick-up or delivery
  • Upstream CCE maintenance personnel are aware of its performance so that they can plan for repairs or replacement

Must have

Need to decide with SME if twice a day logs are needed or one time of day is picked and one temperature update per day is done.

Need to ask SME how the business process around fridge tags work

3Receive daily temperature updates from RTM systems

As a user of OpenLMIS, I want to see the temperature status of a CCE as captured by the RTM system (where applicable), so that:

  • Upstream SC personnel are aware of its performance so that they can prepare the resupply order for pick-up or delivery
  • Upstream CCE maintenance personnel are aware of its performance so that they can plan for repairs or replacement
RTM; Nexleaf; ColdTraceNice to have
4Generate CCE functioning reports based on temperature updates made

As a sub-national store manager, I want to see the functioning status of a CC so that I can plan the pick-up or delivery order


As a CCE maintenance planner, I want to see the functioning status of a CCE from RTM devices so that I can plan the schedule for repair or replacement
SELV/SIILMust haveClosely tied to CCE Functionality Status reqs
5Generate notifications depending on temperature falling below 2 or above 8

As a HW at a facility, I want to know when a CCE is no longer working  so that I can move the products stored within it

As an upstream CCE personnel, I want to know when a CCE is no longer working properly so that I can plan a repair or replacement schedule

As an upstream store manager, I want to know when a CCE is no longer working properly so that I can plan the upcoming order for that store accordingly

As an upstream logistician, I want to know when a CCE is no longer working properly so that I can plan the upcoming distribution schedule for that facility accordingly

SELV/SIILNice to have?

Need to decide with SME if the notifications should be time-bound; i.e. if it falls above/beyond on X # of consecutive days, then notify, else not.

Need to decide with SME if the notifications should be based on the data entered for this requirement or the data chosen for the functionality status requirement, or based on triangulating both data points and then setting up notifications.



All other CCE product reqs

Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


What falls under the category of equipment? Refrigerators/passive storage devices such as cold boxes/freezers/walk-in cold rooms?

2Is daily log needed to be captured in instances where there is no facility-based access to OpenLMIS? If so, what is the workflow for that?

3In places where facility level access to OpenLMIS is possible, is twice a day log needed or once a day sufficient?

4What is the current workflow using fridge tags?

5How important are the "nice to have" features?

Out of Scope

  • SMS notifications to the system from the HF in case of fridge failure (if SMS business process exists currently, the support for it is outside the system)
  • SMS notifiications from the system when fridge failure is reported either by a person manually entering the information or reported via an RTM (

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